The size of the small penis in men

Numerous anonymous polls and studies show that most men are unhappy with their penis length. This is a consequence of an unconscious comparison of dignity during puberty in the locker rooms, in the pool. Films and photographs with pornographic content are especially negative when male models and actors display giant phalluses. Compounding the problem of women speaking about the importance of size. In order not to be tormented by the question of whether you really have a small penis, you need to turn to statistics and expert judgment.  

How many centimeters does a small penis have?

The length of the penis in a man has two indicators:

  • At rest, it is about 8 centimeters. Deviations of 10-15 mm are considered permissible.
  • In an excited (erect) state, it increases to 15 cm. The indicator may be more or less by 20 mm.

The member stops growing at the age of 23. Since 1984, about 5% of cases have been recorded when in men the genitals continued to increase throughout life.

It is impossible to say with certainty how many centimeter phallus counts as small or large. The indicator even depends on ethnicity. For Asians, 15 cm is considered longer than average, for Europeans, on the contrary, short.

The following parameters are characteristic for Russia:

  • tiny – up to 13;
  • normal – 13-15;
  • average – 15-18;
  • large – 18-20.

The sexual organ is considered to be giant with a length of more than 20 centimeters. This is public opinion, but not medical data. It gives rise to many complexes when a man considers an absolutely normal penis small.

Experts have a slightly different opinion. A tiny (underdeveloped) penis in medicine is considered to be less than 10 cm. This size does not allow a woman to be fertilized.

What do women say? Most of the polled representatives of the fair sex (67%) find the ideal length of 15-17 cm. They also say that the penis is tiny less than 13 cm. An eighteen-centimeter penis can become physiologically incompatible, from which a woman with a narrow vagina will experience severe discomfort and even pain.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how many centimeters the smallest member has. From a medical point of view, 10 cm is already the norm, but 13 cm or more is required to satisfy a partner.

Why can men have such little dignity?

For laymen and doctors, different lengths can be considered small. Regardless of opinion, the reasons for keeping the phallus small are different. In some cases, an accurate understanding of the cause can prevent the development of pathology when the penis does not reach ten centimeters.


The small size of the phallus is often the result of a congenital feature of the anatomical structure. Genes quite often determine what shape and length the male sexual organ will be. If in the male line no one had an outstanding member, there is a 78% probability that the offspring will inherit this feature.

It is necessary to understand that heredity can manifest itself both from father to son, and from grandfather to great-grandson.

Hormonal background

The structure of the male reproductive system

The normal size of the penis is formed between the ages of 12 and 16. There is no scale for checking length in boys and adolescents. This does not mean that there are no signs by which it is impossible to determine the presence of a deviation. If the penis is erect and it is less than 10 cm in this state, then you need to see a doctor.

Fathers are encouraged to have preventive talks with their sons. This is especially true when such cases have already been in the family. The pathology is called the ” micropenia ” or ” micropenis ” syndrome . Underdeveloped genitals after puberty are the result of a lack of testosterone. Correct and timely treatment allows you to get rid of the problem.

Other reasons

Adolescents cannot ignore these violations. The task of identifying deviations falls on the shoulders of the fathers. Being an independent young man, it is also never too late to see a specialist. Micropenis can be the result not only of a lack of male hormone, but also for the following reasons:

  • diabetes;
  • Itsenko-Cushing’s syndrome;
  • adrenal tumors;
  • traumatic injury;
  • drug damage to the hypothalamus, pituitary gland;
  • infectious inflammation of the testicles.

Medication helps mainly only in adolescence. In the future, more drastic measures are required. There are pathologies in which the testicles do not descend, but begin to cause deformational changes that do not allow the shaft of the penis to develop properly.

Can the penis be enlarged?

Is it possible to increase the size of the penis?

It is necessary to look and understand the true reason why a man considers his phallus to be small. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity have an average size, which is associated with a genetic predisposition, and it is fully functional, and there are no problems in intimate life. Hormone therapy is possible, but a specialist will definitely warn about side effects.

If the small size causes discomfort, there is no desire to undergo a long medication course, the way out is surgical intervention or the use of various techniques using devices to increase the phallus. There are various gels that promise enlargement.

Each method has its own pros and cons. The main thing is to understand that such an increase is not associated with the therapy of pathology, prevention of sexual dysfunction, but exclusively with the desire to be the owner of an impressive size.

Surgical intervention

Operations to increase the size of the phallus are referred to as plastic surgery. They are aimed solely at changing the size, do not affect the quality of sexual intercourse in any way. The following types of interventions are used:

  • Implant . The manipulation consists in the introduction of silicone or gel encapsulated products.
  • Lipofilling . Makes the penis thicker by several centimeters. During the operation, the patient’s own adipose tissue is inserted under the skin.
  • Ligamentotomy . Complex lengthening operation. The surgeon dissects the ligaments that connect the penis and pelvic bones. The penis becomes longer. This happens by pulling the inner part and then fixing it in the desired position.

Is it possible to enlarge the penis with surgery?

Such operations are performed all over the world and do not require any special surgical talent. In recent years, the injection method has been used, when hyaluronic acid is injected into the body of the penis. The method excludes direct surgical intervention, but the effect persists for a year and a half, and then the procedure is repeated again, but a smaller dose is administered.


The drugs, the action of which is aimed at increasing manhood, are distinguished by their ease of use. The exception is injections. The latter needs to be worked hard. In addition to solutions, funds are available in the following forms:

  • pills;
  • gels;
  • sprays;
  • cream.

These remedies have a multifaceted effect. They are aimed not only at increasing the volume of the penis, but also increase libido and potency. Manufacturers promise to improve the quality and duration of intimacy.

Hormonal drugs must be agreed with a urologist. Various biologically active additives do not require consultation with a specialist and can even be ordered via the Internet.

The use of various devices

The phallus is a muscle. Based on this fact, special exercises have been developed that allow you to “pump up” the organ. The main thing is to understand that they can be used exclusively for a healthy phallus. There shouldn’t be any injuries. The techniques are safe and have been successfully used for many years.

The most popular is the use of an extender . It is an orthopedic device that has a positive effect on the shaft of the penis. Its principle of action is mechanical action. The main advantages of using such a device are the following points:

  • increase in length and width;
  • improving the quality of erection;
  • increased blood circulation in the penis;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to wear even while sleeping.

It is recommended to wear the extender for several hours a day. It does not cause discomfort, remains invisible under clothes, and allows you to freely engage in daily activities and even sports.

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