Excitants for men. How to increase potency?

Love is a wonderful feeling that gives happiness to many people. Sex is one of the manifestations of love, so you can and should talk about it. Sometimes partners are faced with certain problems of a sexual nature, which not everyone can solve. Sometimes these are some minor troubles, and sometimes a real disaster that leads to separation or divorce. 

If a woman is in a good mood and is close to her, she can have sex at any time, which cannot be said about the man. Representatives of the stronger sex sometimes can not have sex because of their physiological problems. One of them is impotence. This is a serious enough disease, especially if the man has not yet become a dad, because it will not be so easy to conceive a baby.  

It is also worth noting that he begins to feel inferior and loses self-confidence . That is why scientists have spent many years studying drugs and products that help increase potency. 

How do aphrodisiacs work?

– Expand blood vessels, improving blood circulation in the penis. This applies to both massage and pills. Often men can not be aroused precisely because of the violation of the vessels. This problem is typical for many, because even a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits lead to this. Using high-quality stimulants, you can significantly improve blood circulation and return the vessels to a healthy state.  

– Relax smooth muscles . There are several groups of smooth muscles that work when a man is aroused. If they are tense, then with an erection there can be certain difficulties. Using stimulants, you can achieve excellent results and enjoy sex. 

– Relieve irritation and soothe nerves . Sometimes it happens that a man cannot be aroused due to the fact that he has accumulated a lot of problems, or he has faced a stressful situation. There are examples of how a man, in order to get aroused, just needs to drink a complex of herbs that perfectly relax and help get rid of stress. To fill your sex life with bright colors, you need to relax and relieve tension. Exciting agents will help you with this. 

How long are stimulants?

Many men are interested in the duration of the action of such funds, because it is really very important. It all depends on the individual needs of your body, the chosen method and how quickly and efficiently the cells respond to these funds. There are drugs that last a couple of hours, and there are those whose effect lasts a day. If you eat right, the effect will be lasting.  

In this case, of course, it is up to you to choose, but it is worth noting that for one man a certain means of stimulating action will be safe, and the second can be harmful. You must understand that a prolonged erection is a big burden on the body, so you can’t get carried away with these drugs. If, for example, a man on this day consumed a lot of fatty foods, it is likely that the effect will not work, because the aphrodisiac simply does not digest.  

What stimulants are effective?

1. Aphrodisiacs . Previously, there were no pills aimed at improving male potency, so people tried to find flowers and herbs that would stimulate male arousal. Natural products are relatively safe, because they are natural, without synthetic compounds. They have been used for a long time, because even the name came from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. What can be attributed to these funds? Yohimbe bark, wormwood, ginseng root, lemongrass, St. John’s wort, etc. 

If you really want to safely improve your sexual health, then you should try herbs. Even flower pollen is actively used to give masculine strength and extend the pleasure of sex itself.

2. Trace elements in food . Have you thought that a simple food product can be an effective aphrodisiac? This is true, because you do not need to use a huge amount of medicines or even insist on various teas. Just pay attention to products that contain the necessary trace elements. Zinc, iron, protein, potassium – all this strengthens health and helps increase potency. 

For example, the protein that is present in many dairy products, cereals and dairy products stimulates sperm production, increases sexual activity and helps to restore male strength faster after intercourse. Phosphorus, which is abundant in fish, is responsible for male sexual attractiveness and improves cell function. Its lack can negatively affect your mood and physical activity. 

3. Pills . Probably the most famous and popular remedy among many, because this is a quick and easy way to improve blood circulation and feel a surge of masculine strength. In fact, many doctors do not recommend this method to their patients, because tablets do not solve all problems, sometimes they give only a temporary effect. But you should not expect that tablets will help you gain confidence in yourself and significantly improve the quality of intimate life. It will take you a few seconds to take the pill, so many men prefer this particular method. 

The pole is that pharmacists and doctors have worked for years to create a universal remedy, so many men can count on effectiveness after the first use. To significantly improve men’s health, one or two tablets will not be enough.  

4. Massage . There are certain points upon stimulation which can improve an erection and get more pleasure from sex. This aphrodisiac was invented many years ago when men realized that it was necessary to prolong the period of sexual activity and improve their physical condition. For example, massage of the testicles and prostate helps a lot, often specialists work even on the heels and the coccyx. 

Thus, blood circulation improves , vascular function is activated, sexual activity is excellently increased. The method is quite ancient, but the effectiveness has been confirmed by many, so you can contact a specialist or try to help yourself. 

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