How to return spontaneity and passion in sex with her husband

Of course, relationships are not only sex, but also mutual respect, attention to each other, life, children, joint walks and vacations, going on a visit, to the cinema. But only in sex do we reveal ourselves to each other completely. And only sex – regular, boring, frank – strengthens love. But what if sex has become monotonous and scheduled?

Why spontaneity in sex is needed

Sooner or later, the attraction to your sexual partner may gradually fade away. Worse, when you realize that you are getting bored in bed. This situation is akin to if you constantly ate the same dish – disgust will come quickly.

It is an experiment, an element of the game, novelty, unpredictability that allows a woman to include all her emotions. But the man needs the same thing to feel like a hunter again, courageous, take a fresh look at his partner.

How is the mechanism of female excitation different from male

At the level of physiology, each person during the excitement obeys the same laws – it all starts with the visual receptor. Even if there is no object of desire before your eyes, there are enough images and images that arise in the mind. They activate parts of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for memory, sensitivity, pain and pleasure.

But then, between men and women, differences in the speed of reactions begin. If a man needs much less time for arousal and, in fact, only a visual image, then women need not only to see and flare up, but also to understand what exactly it excites a man.

Next, chemistry comes into play. In men, a massive release of the hormone testosterone into the blood occurs almost instantly, resulting in an erection. A few frictions – and the man reaches a peak.

A woman goes through several stages during arousal. Adrenaline enters the bloodstream, breathing and pressure become more frequent, the secretion of the genitals increases, the volume of the mammary glands increases, the nipples swell and tighten. With an increase in the sensitivity of the external genitalia, vaginal muscle tension occurs. It lengthens and expands towards the uterus, creating a place for seminal fluid. The first frictions increase excitement. And the more the feeling of satisfaction from sexual intercourse grows, the more sexual arousal intensifies.

Men and women start in different ways: how to live with it?

Of course, the rate of arousal of a man or woman depends on the individual characteristics of the body, mood, well-being, desires of the partner and the situation. Sometimes it is completely unbearable .

But let’s recall once again that female excitability requires more time. It is not enough for her to see a naked body, to hear a couple of hot phrases and immediately start up. Female excitability is more closely associated with the general romantic atmosphere, with the object of desire and identification with oneself.

A female orgasm is much more dependent on what a woman thinks and feels than on what a man does.

That is why the prelude is so important. But these are not only concrete actions and words of a man. For passion, a gradual heat is important in order to forget about time and fully enjoy the touch.

The prelude focuses our attention on an important element of the art of love – the ability to hear and feel each other.

An erotic adventure does not always have to look like moving along the same track, consisting of the prelude, penetration, climax, and then orgasm. Change the script!

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