How to relieve exacerbation of prostatitis at home

Any chronic disease is therefore dangerous – if preventive measures are not followed, acute symptoms are always likely to develop. Exacerbation of prostatitis is an unpleasant phenomenon. Pain, impaired urination, decreased quality of erection. How to prevent these consequences and even in the presence of a chronic form to feel completely healthy – more on that below.

The course of chronic prostatitis

The chronic form of prostatitis is characterized by smoothed symptoms, there is almost no cause for concern. Especially when it comes to the first years of the development of the disease, when the patient does not yet know his diagnosis.

Periodically, a man may feel mild pain that radiates to the back or intestines. In the genital area there are unpleasant sensations, sometimes problems with urination are possible.

Most men do not pay attention to these minor signals. Gradually, the inflammatory process covers wider areas: seminal vesicles (vesiculitis develops), testicles and their appendages ( orchiepidimitis , infertility), prostate nerves – problems with erection appear. There are prerequisites for the development of adenoma or prostate cancer. Every second patient who knows his diagnosis is faced with relapses of prostatitis.

Causes of exacerbation

Symptoms worsen if preventive measures are not followed. One or several reasons can provoke the manifestation of acute symptoms:

  1. Weakened immunity (hypothermia, stress, other diseases). There is a surge in the spring, when against the background of beriberi and unstable weather, susceptibility to colds increases.
  2. Urogenital infections, including latent ones. Neglect of the rules of intimate and sexual hygiene. Frequent change of partners, infections, proctological diseases.
  3. Wrong nutrition. Excess spicy, salty, fatty, lack of vitamins.
  4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol has a negative effect on the organs of all systems. Even the episodic intake of strong drinks, for example, on holidays, is risky for those suffering from chronic prostatitis. Often, the first symptoms are provoked by a plentiful dinner or drink taken the day before.
  5. Sedentary work, lack of physical activity, lack of stable sex life, coitus interruptus. Everything that leads to a decrease in the activity of blood circulation in the prostate and nearby organs provokes an exacerbation.
  6. “Bed” exploits can provoke an attack, for example, against the background of moderate sexual activity, several sexual acts in a row.

The reasons for the exacerbation of the symptoms of prostatitis may be completely implicit, for example, the matter is in the patient’s psychological problems, experienced nervous shock, inability to manage stress, anger.

Symptoms of exacerbation

Often the symptoms of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis begin to disturb in the spring and autumn. During these transitional seasons, the body is exposed to the greatest stress due to natural causes (weather changes, cold, dampness). The patient complains about:

  1. Pain in the perineum, genitals. Pain can radiate to the spine, lower back.
  2. Discomfort, itching and heaviness in the urethra. Negative sensations in the anus, especially during bowel movements.
  3. Urination disorders: frequent, painful.
  4. From the urethra there is a discharge with blood (urine becomes pinkish) or with pus. Bad smell.
  5. General weakness, feeling unwell, decreased libido, temperature may rise.
  6. Erectile dysfunction: pain during ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, dullness or discomfort during sex, weak or absent orgasm.


The whole complex of therapeutic measures can be divided into two blocks: emergency measures to relieve the symptoms of exacerbated prostatitis (symptomatic treatment), and preventive measures to prevent. Specific drugs and measures are prescribed only after an analysis of urine and prostate secretion (a smear is taken for microflora).


Antibacterial agents are prescribed. Standard course – 2 weeks. But relief of symptoms comes in 3-4 days. Antibiotics are selected by the doctor strictly individually. It is impossible to prescribe them on your own: each drug has its own scope and contraindications. An incorrectly chosen antibiotic may not work on the cause of the inflammation, but it can be harmful. The drug is selected from the following groups:

  1. Fluoroquinolones . The most powerful, active against a variety of pathogens, from common to rare. Perfectly penetrate into the tissues of the prostate, have a long-term effect. They are used in patients whose exacerbation occurred against the background of a running process.
  2. Cephalosporins. Weakly penetrate into the tissues of the body, so it is better to administer them bypassing the gastrointestinal tract – by injection. Often used if addiction to other types of antibiotics has already developed. Almost no side effects.
  3. Aminopenicillins . Good against typical most common pathogens. Inexpensive. They are often prescribed for mild, uncomplicated forms of diseases, with rare relapses against the background of a chronic, or primary exacerbation.
  4. Macrolides. Easily penetrate the prostate. They have a long-term effect, are highly active against atypical microorganisms. Almost no effect on the intestinal microflora.
  5. Tetracyclines. Best of all, they allow you to get rid of mycoplasma and chlamydia. They have a negative effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, so they must be supplemented with Linex or Bifiform .


Physiotherapeutic procedures are designed to improve blood circulation, increase local immunity, and stimulate their own tissue recovery reserves.

Can be used:

  1. Electrophoresis is a complex effect of an electric current and an administered drug. The current enhances the effect of drugs.
  2. Galvanization – the action of only a continuous direct current of small strength.
  3. Electrical stimulation – the action of current pulses, which provokes muscle contraction. One of the best methods of electric shock: non-irritating, well tolerated, no complications.
  4. Darsonval . The action is fast, pulsed current, gradually fading. The voltage is high, the current is small.
  5. UHF therapy is the impact on the body of high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations. Plates are placed on the body.
  6. Microwave therapy. Tissues are affected by electromagnetic waves of ultrahigh frequency (SHF),
  7. Magnetotherapy. The impact is carried out by a magnetic field.
  8. Ultrasound. It affects high-frequency vibrations that are not distinguishable by human hearing.
  9. Ultraphonophoresis – exposure to ultrasound with the simultaneous use of external preparations.
  10. Laser therapy.

All these methods are used under the supervision of a specialist. More simple ways of physiotherapeutic effects on the prostate:

  1. baths.
  2. Microclysters.
  3. Mud cure.
  4. Cold exposure.
  5. Compresses
  6. Inhalations.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes should be used only in combination with other methods. Due to the mild and long-term action, they will not cope with acute symptoms. If the disease is not advanced and proceeds in a mild form, home recipes can give good results:

  1. Parsley. Inside: 1.5 tbsp. l. seeds pour 1 cup boiling water, leave in a thermos for 15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day. The course is 2-3 months.
  2. Celandine. Inside: 1 drop of juice in half a glass of warm water. 10 drops of the solution every day, adding 1 drop per day. When reaching 40 drops, continue for 2 weeks without changing the dose. Microclysters: 1 tbsp. l. celandine pour half a liter of water, bring to a boil, cool, strain. Do microclysters (pear – from 50 to 100 ml) every other day.
  3. Wormwood and thyme. Mix 4 parts of thyme herb with 1 part of wormwood, pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with 1 cup boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course – 1 month.

May appoint:

  1. Prostate massage.
  2. Exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. The simplest is squats, leg swings, Latin American dances.
  3. Diet. Dishes that load digestion and act irritatingly on the digestive tract and urinary system are excluded. This is especially important for men with existing gastrointestinal diseases or prone to them (gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.)
  4. Refusal of sex for a certain period. Stable sex is useful for prevention, but not during an exacerbation, especially if there is no permanent partner.

Exacerbation therapy

If it was not possible to avoid a relapse, and the question arose of how to reduce the exacerbation and what to do, you can turn to the arsenal of available medications. It’s not just antibiotics.

  1. If the pathogen is not bacteria, but a fungus or a virus, pills are selected.
  2. Edema of the prostate gland is removed with the help of antihistamines: primalan , ketotifen .
  3. Immunomodulators are prescribed to increase the overall resistance of the body.
  4. To improve blood circulation in the affected area, medications containing horse chestnut ( escusan ) or other venotonics of natural origin ( diosmin ) are prescribed.
  5. To restore the function of the prostate gland , prostan , prostatiten , prostacor or prostamol are prescribed .
  6. Non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs will help relieve the exacerbation of prostatitis symptoms, they are prescribed only for the time required to relieve severe pain. Doses are selected individually.

What to do to avoid exacerbation?

Avoiding relapses will be easy for those who are used to leading a healthy lifestyle. The rest should start developing good habits.

What to do:

  1. Monitor the regularity and quality of intimate life. A normal pace is an individual matter, but an average of 2-3 sexual intercourses per week with one partner can already be considered useful. The main thing is to avoid sudden breaks.
  2. Minimize the consumption of any unhealthy foods.
  3. Strengthen immunity. Any concomitant diseases: viral, infectious, venereal, other chronic diseases should be treated in time.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Fresh air. Few people pay attention to the air, however, it is important. Fresh air stimulates the immune system and improves health. Regular walks are required. The house should have a humidifier and air purifier.
  6. Avoid prolonged sitting. During sedentary work, arrange physical education minutes every 40 minutes. If it is impossible to exclude prolonged sitting, compensate for this by playing sports or gymnastics, which will increase blood circulation in the prostate area.


During an exacerbation, the principles of a healthy diet should be observed. Eat healthy food. products containing bioactive substances and avoid everything that overloads and slagging the body. Try to minimize:

  1. Drinks: alcoholic, coffee, too strong tea, energy drinks and carbonated drinks. Instead of them: fermented milk drinks, fruit drinks, compotes, juices from non-acidic fruits or berries, dried fruits.
  2. Any semi-finished products, canned food, smoked meats. Instead of them – fresh vegetables, with the exception of those that increase gas formation (legumes, cabbage). Fish – only fresh, boiled or baked.
  3. Very spicy dishes, pepper, onion, garlic. It is better to focus on cereals that do not burden the digestive tract and contain many valuable components, including vitamin E, which is very useful for potency.
  4. Fatty meat broths, overcooked meat, mushrooms. Meat choose low-fat varieties, boil or bake.
  5. Bakery. It must be replaced with nuts, dried fruits, honey, any sweet non-acidic fruits and berries. Very useful grapes.

It is useful to include in the diet foods that contain a lot of zinc, the most important trace element for male potency. These are pumpkin and sunflower seeds, bran, germinated wheat, seafood, rabbit and chicken meat, cocoa, eggs, green tea, tomatoes, celery.


In addition to the above, the observance of the following rules will work to prevent exacerbations:

  1. Despite the fact that the bath is considered useful for patients with prostatitis, it is better to refrain from visiting it during exacerbations.
  2. Try to avoid such a method of protection as interrupted sexual intercourse.
  3. Visit a urologist every 3 months. He will order tests if necessary. Do an examination once every six months. Ultrasound of the prostate gland – annually, this is especially important for patients over 40 years old.
  4. For prevention, special preparations can be prescribed, for example, rectal suppositories.
  5. Carefully approach the choice of drugs, coordinate them with more than one specialist. Today, the market is flooded with supposedly effective drugs and products whose impact is exaggerated to increase sales. Under the guise of a miracle cure, you can buy an ordinary dietary supplement that will not give anything to a person who follows the principles of a healthy diet – be careful.

What doctors advise

Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Dr. Evdokimenko, recommends not engaging in self-diagnosis. Many men mistakenly take failures in erection as the beginning of prostatitis. Although the most common symptom of the disease is periodic pain in the pubis or in the lower abdomen, deterioration in general well-being.

For treatment, exercises are recommended, including: walking, sweeping walking (Bushmen’s walking), hiking, swimming, skiing, skating.

To increase immunity, provided there are no contraindications – injections with aloe extract, Multigamma , Kombilipen , and adaptogen herbs: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea. All these measures will help eliminate the need to treat an unpleasant exacerbation of prostatitis.


You need to choose not only treatment, but also a doctor. If the doctor prescribes antibiotics without conducting all the studies during the primary exacerbation in a patient without a diagnosis of “chronic prostatitis” (and the whole complex of examinations may include TRUS, ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder, abdominal, urine culture, examination, smear for microscopy), it is worth insisting on finding out the exact cause of pubic pain and frequent urination.

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