Dick falls during anal, what to do?

A rapidly disappearing erection during anal sex is a common phenomenon that occurs in men of different ages. Such a reaction is associated with several factors at once, excitement, new emotions and fear are acting. But do not despair, this situation can be corrected without pills. Simple actions will maintain a perfect erection for all types of sex.

Causes of weakening erection during anal

The reasons for the fall of the penis during anal sex can be many. It is necessary to exclude medical related diseases. The man himself knows about them. But if there are no diseases, you need to figure out what went wrong. There are 3 most common reasons for falling.


Anal sex is specific in itself and causes a whole range of emotions in those who are not used to it yet. Excitement is just one of them. Partners worry that there will be an unpleasant smell or accidental bowel movement, that the penis will be too large and penetration will be difficult.

As you know, the psychological factor plays an important role in intimacy. As a result of this, the man is distracted, blood rushes to the head and it is no longer possible to concentrate precisely on sexual intercourse.

Strong compression

Another reason for a lost erection is the excessive compression of the penis by the sphincter muscles. Penetration into the anus with this type of sex is not easy. At the instinctive level, the contraction of the muscles of the anus is laid with the persistent penetration of a foreign body into it.

Since anal sex was not provided biologically by nature, a similar reaction of the body is quite natural. Moreover, the girl can not completely control the sphincter. As a result, the partner’s penis contracts quite strongly. Do not forget that the penis consists of soft tissues and blood, so that the circulation shutdown entails an automatic decrease in arousal and, as a result, a dying erection.


This factor includes several possible situations: the wrong angle of penetration of the penis into the anus of the partner, lack of lubrication or increased friction, the undeveloped anal hole of the partner. Simple inattention to detail and unpreparedness for sex contribute to the fact that the penis falls.

A man is faced with strong resistance, and this does not contribute to arousal. He cannot pass the sphincters, and this weakens male strength. It takes more time to develop the hole so that the voltage is minimal.

What to do with it?

A weakened erection is not a sentence; it can be corrected. Do not immediately drink pills, they have many side effects. You can cope using other means from a sex shop.

Exciting creams

Exciting creams will be an excellent choice for those who prefer to use external light emulsions, the effect of which passes over time. They are not medicines, can be classified as dietary supplements or cosmetics.

The cream is applied before sex, causing an active rush of blood to the penis. And with him you can be sure that nothing will fall. It is suitable in situations where there is intense excitement. The action lasts 20-30 minutes, but then you can add the composition again.

Cock ring

This sex toy is designed to slow the outflow of blood from the penis. It can be worn either on the head or on the base of the penis. Put it on with maximum excitement, and then it interferes with the “fall”. The little thing is small in size, does not interfere with the process, does not reduce sensations, but gives confidence.

The ring must be selected in size to have a noticeable effect. For beginners, it is better to choose elastic options. Experienced users buy tough models, knowing exactly their sizes.

Vacuum pump

Vacuum pumps serve to rush the penis. It helps to get a “stone erection” in a few seconds. You can use it before any sex. But to keep the effect longer, the erection ring does not hurt.

The pump works at any age. And if desired, it can be used to grow the penis. Daily workouts will help you resize.

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