A romantic evening is not complete without a glass of wine or something stronger. If a man needs to take Sildenafil at the same time, a natural question arises as to how safe it is. The instructions from the manufacturer do not indicate anything regarding whether Viagra with alcohol is allowed or not. The reason for this is a banal marketing ploy. The company understands that a ban on the combination will drastically reduce sales, and permission will lead to the need to take responsibility for the possible consequences.
Can Viagra be mixed with alcohol?
The bioavailability of tablets is due to many factors. As a generic, it is absorbed faster a few hours after a meal, rather than immediately after a hearty meal. Otherwise, the effect will decrease. The situation with medicines is much more serious. Many increase the effect of Viagra, which provokes an overdose with all the ensuing consequences.
Can Viagra be consumed with alcohol?
Alcohol and Sildenafil are two completely incompatible products with each other. This does not mean that they can be mixed together. There is no direct prohibition, but neither is permission. Each exerts a strain on the heart and liver, which doubles in volume if things are shared.
You don’t have to become a teetotaler. There are acceptable dosages that can be called conditionally safe. The compatibility of alcohol and an erection enhancer is as follows:
- wine – 450 ml;
- beer – 700 ml;
- gin and tonic – 600 ml;
- vodka – 100 ml.
This amount is “extreme”. You cannot exceed these recommended standards. The consequences can be the most sad, and the disrupted evening is only one of them.
The use of alcohol and a drug to increase potency in an acceptable norm does not harm only when a man does not have any health problems. Exceeding the permissible dosages or the regularity of joint intake of products leads to the manifestation of side effects and negative consequences for health in general.
Attention! In contrast to the male one, it is by no means possible to drink female Viagra and alcohol at the same time. The organism of the fair sex is arranged in a completely different way. Flibanserin (female Viagra) is completely devoid of any effect with alcohol of any strength.
The effect of Viagra when drinking alcohol
The effect of Viagra on a man with alcohol
Taking Sildenafil and spirits together is not recommended for the following reasons:
- reduced efficiency;
- slowing down reflex reactions;
- decreased quality of erection;
- decrease in the effect of the drug.
Separately, a small amount of intoxicating helps to increase potency. This is true for Viagra as well. Together they are not compatible.
If you use a drug to increase potency and alcohol together, a man may have a sharp deterioration in health. There can be no intimacy in such a state.
Contraindications to use
It is impossible to take the potency pathogen and alcohol together for men who suffer:
- mental disorders;
- diseases of the liver and heart;
- epilepsy and other seizure-causing ailments.
Representatives of the stronger sex without health problems will not feel negative consequences with permissible dosages of alcohol.
Contraindications for alcohol when using Viagra
Side effects
If you drink an intoxicating drink together with Sildenafil, this will lead to the following negative effects:
- Low efficiency. The drug becomes practically useless. It is poorly absorbed by alcoholic beverages, which leads to a decrease in the level of the male hormone – testosterone. The sensitivity of the erogenous zones is sharply reduced and even sexual stimulation becomes useless.
- Problems with heart. If you mix alcohol and Viagra, the load on the heart muscle will double. This will provoke dizziness, confusion of thoughts and the skin will become covered with reddish spots. Increased circulation leads to increased blood pressure. The vessels under the influence of ethanol will sharply expand and contract.
- Liver dysfunction. Even a single use of a stimulant with alcohol will disrupt the function of this organ. The degradation of chemicals will be slow. Products that are incompatible with each other try to simultaneously get processed by the liver cells. If you use Viagra and alcohol together, the liver simply stops filtering toxic compounds.
How to use Viagra if you drink alcohol?
A decrease in the rate of liver processing leads to the manifestation of characteristic symptoms:
- increased muscle tone;
- waves of bouts of intense heat;
- insomnia and other sleep disorders;
- dizziness;
- rashes on the skin;
- pain in muscles, joints, head area;
- bouts of vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.
A harmful combination has a negative effect on visual acuity, causes conjunctivitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, nasal congestion.
Feedback and experience
Men who have tried to combine alcohol and Viagra leave mixed reviews. This is due to the individual characteristics of the organism, health and frequency of use. The commentary rarely specifies whether you drank a glass of wine or 500 ml of vodka.
Specialists have to deal with the negative consequences of such a combination. They strongly recommend not drinking alcohol if you plan to take Viagra. Expecting a better result, you can face the consequences much worse than just a failed intimacy.