Viagra Professional 100, 50 mg
Viagra Professional
$0.62Per pill

Active Ingredient: Sildenafil

Viagra Professional is an improved version of the classic generic, by better purification of the active substance. Thanks to this, you can get a stronger effect and a longer one. 1 Professional pill is comparable to 1 Pfizer pill. The purpose of the drug - enhancing erection during sexual contact. 1 tablet is enough to enjoy sex with a partner all night. The new formula has proven to be a number of advantages: a long-lasting effect (2 times longer than the predecessor of this drug), significantly increases the sensitivity of the glans penis, increases the excitability of the man, is safe for health.

Viagra Professional (Viagra Professional) - for a special occasion

Generic Viagra professional is a full-fledged analogue of a well-known brand. The drug successfully solves the problems of erectile dysfunction. Its important advantage is the affordable cost that allows you to buy Viagra professional to anyone who needs it.

In St. Petersburg, we are a direct distributor of this powerful erection medicine from India.

Buy Viagra Professional

Instruction Viagra professional

In addition to the affordable price, the drug has many other advantages.

The main ones are:

  • quick effect;
  • longer validity period (up to 8 hours);
  • minimum of adverse events.

The tool has some differences in use.

How to take Viagra Professional

Tablets are designed for sucking, swallowing and drink them with water is not necessary. The drug is absorbed directly into the blood, bypassing the stomach. These speeds up its action, the result can be felt within 40 minutes after ingestion.

Professional Viagra take an hour before sex. More than one tablet per day cannot be used. If you have never taken Viagra, the first dose is recommended to limit half the dose - ½ tablet.

On the day of taking the drug cannot be taken:

  1. alcoholic drinks;
  2. preparations containing nitrates;
  3. psychotropic drugs;
  4. some antibiotics.

Also, do not combine medication with fatty foods.


The generic contains the same ingredients as the original product. A similar composition stimulates the body's processes necessary for the occurrence of erection.

Mechanism of action and composition

Normally, sexual arousal in the body of a man occurs:

  • emissions of nitric oxide and an increase in cGMP production;
  • muscle relaxation of the reproductive organs;
  • dilation of blood vessels and increased blood flow;
  • maximum filling of the penis with blood;
  • appearance of erection.

But with various disorders, these processes are interrupted due to the premature activity of the PDE-5 enzyme. To prevent this from happening, and need Viagra. Its active component, sildenafil, blocks PDE-5. As a result of the action of sildenafil, all processes occur in the required sequence and cause an erection.

Contraindications and side effects

Viagra should not be used by men who have:

  • allergy to sildenafil;
  • heart disease (recent heart attack, heart failure, angina);
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • penis deformity;
  • history of stroke suffered no more than 6 months ago.

Improper use of the drug causes dizziness, headache, nausea, color disturbance. If your condition worsens, be sure to consult a doctor.

Who is a Viagra professional and its effects?

Viagra Professional copes well with the weak potency caused by:

  1. overwork;
  2. stresses;
  3. age changes.

The drug improves erection, increases the duration of sexual activity and increases the sharpness of sensations from sex.

Instructions for use Viagra Professional

Delgra Professional is safe for the health of people who do not have serious illnesses.

The composition of Viagra professional

100 mg of sildenafil, which is contained in a single tablet, is the maximum dose for a single dose.

How to take Viagra professional

The maximum dosage is one tablet, it cannot be exceeded. If you have never used Viagra pro, we recommend taking ½ pill for the first time.

The drug can be used only once a day for an hour before intercourse.

Fatty foods make it difficult to absorb sildenafil, so there should be a sufficient amount of time between using the medicine and eating.

The drug cannot be combined with alcohol intake.

What effect and how much effect

The main component of Delgra Professional - Sildenafil promotes muscle relaxation, filling the penis with blood and the emergence of persistent erection.

In addition to improving potency, after taking the drug, it is noted:

  1. increased sensitivity of nerve endings;
  2. increase endurance;
  3. getting sex more vivid impressions.

Many older men have noted that they have experienced such sexual sensations as in their youth.

Contraindications and side effects


The drug can significantly worsen the condition in the presence of severe pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys.

Also, the tool should not be taken with allergies to one of its ingredients and men under 18 years.

To avoid the development of undesirable consequences, before using Viagra professional, pass an examination and get expert advice.

No man is immune from erection problems. A healthy person is enough compliance with several conditions to obtain a stable erection. She is necessarily accompanied by sexual arousal, in which a portion of blood arrives at the veins and arteries of the intimate organs. The hormonal component is necessarily involved in this process.

Before you buy Viagra Professional in Moscow, it is important to identify the cause of the malfunction of the reproductive system. Often the secret lies in the psychological factor, hormonal changes or the occurrence of problems with vascular patency.

An effective means of eliminating the disease is Viagra Professional, which can significantly increase the volume of blood flowing to the vessels of intimate organs. Proper use of the product allows you to stimulate erectile function and achieve its stability. Sildenafil, which is famous for its highly selective effect, acts as an active substance in this agent. Due to this, the drug does not adversely affect other internal systems and organs of a person. It does not affect the characteristics of sperm, does not alter the hormones and does not affect the central nervous system, acting solely on strengthening the local blood supply in the reproductive system.

Relevance of application

There are several indications for the use of Viagra Professional 100 mg:

  • various manifestations of erectile dysfunction, progressing under the influence of various pathogenic factors;
  • decrease in potency caused by organic pathology or age-related decrease in the blood supply to the pelvis (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis of the central vessels)


Application of the tool will also have to be limited in certain cases. Neglect of these recommendations entails extremely negative consequences for the body. The use of products with the active component of sildenafil is a danger to patients with individual intolerance to the ingredients of the tool and severe forms of deviations from the normal functioning of the internal systems of the body. Viagra is contraindicated for serious disorders in which there is a phenomenon of decompensation of the organs of the cardiovascular system. The combination of the product with other drugs, which include nitrates, is unacceptable. The tool Viagra professional can only buy a man who has reached the age of majority. Some caution when taking the product should be observed for men who have marked pronounced violations of the anatomical shape of the penis, an increased tendency to open bleeding. The transferred heart attacks and strokes should also be considered as a relative contraindication to the use of funds.

Possible side effects

The number of people wishing to buy Viagra Professional 100 mg increases annually. This is due to the minimum range of side effects from the use of funds. Compared with classical sildenafil, the drug has a prolonged effect. With the inaccurate use of Viagra without prior medical consultation may be fraught with dizziness, dyspepsia or headache. These phenomena are characterized by a short action. To exclude them, it is enough to choose the right dosage and follow the recommendations for its use.

Viagra Professional Online


Viagra should be applied 30-40 minutes before the expected start of sexual intercourse. It is necessary to drink a pill with a small amount of water. In the case of the initial use of the drug, the dosage can be somewhat reduced to prevent the occurrence of adverse events.

Does sports nutrition affect the potency?

To improve potency, our readers successfully use M-16. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Athletes who decide to use protein for muscle growth are concerned about the effect of protein on potency. You can often hear that protein reduces potency. So it or not so try to figure out further.

What is protein?

Protein is a dietary supplement consisting mainly of protein (80-90%). Since the main building material for muscle is protein, this supplement is used by athletes, usually athletes and bodybuilders, to gain muscle mass. Protein, after special cleaning, deprive fats and carbohydrates. This protein is of vegetable origin and is no different from the protein found in food, and therefore cannot cause any harm.

Another thing steroid, which are often used by the same bodybuilders to quickly build muscle. After discontinuation of steroids in athletes, there is a decrease in the own production of the male sex hormone testosterone, as a result of which the potency decreases. It is because of the aggressive action of steroids that the conversation went that sports nutrition (including protein) negatively affects the potency.

However, some athletes see a decrease in potency after taking protein. This can be explained in several cases.

First, the protein may not be at all. The fact is that excessive exercise can also reduce potency. Your body and muscles do not have time to recover from exhausting workouts, which gradually leads to accumulating fatigue and will certainly affect potency for the worse.

Secondly, having heard from someone and believing that protein reduces the ability to erection, the man begins to "wind up" himself on this occasion, eating protein each time, thinks he is worsening his sexual health. Naturally, this will negatively affect the potency, since the potency depends not only on physical health, but also on the psychological state.

Thirdly, soy proteins contain phytoestrogens, which are plant analogues of the female sex hormones estrogen. Estrogens in men above normal begin to reduce testosterone in the body of a man. But in soy protein the content of phytoestrogens is very insignificant and cannot affect the sexual and hormonal function of men.


Conclusion: high-quality protein from a reputable manufacturer in no way affect the potency.

How does protein affect male potency?

Being healthy is in fashion now. Many women and men run, ride bicycles, lift weights in gyms. A beautiful body attracts people from the opposite room, and to achieve this, you also need to eat right. Protein is the basis of sports nutrition. It only remains to find out whether the protein affects the potency.

What is protein and where is it applied

Proteins are nutritional supplements used by athletes to accelerate the build-up of muscle mass. If a person is experiencing great physical exertion, for example, is engaged in bodybuilding or weightlifting, then it is very difficult to restore the spent strength with the help of a normal diet. We have to look for an additional source of energy, but athletes care about how protein affects potency.

In the composition of the additive over 90% (and sometimes all 100%) are proteins with the minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats (Omega 3 or 6). In the stomach, proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are the building blocks for muscles.

Get a mixture of different starting products, respectively, according to the origin of proteins are different:

  1. Egg. It has a balanced composition with a complete set of human-valuable amino acids. Made from egg whites.
  2. Whey (fast). Made from whey.
  3. Soy. It contains an incomplete set of amino acids, contains phytoestrogens in its composition, is much worse absorbed by the body, its biological value is much lower than that of egg and whey.
  4. Casein. It is a type of whey product, formed in the process of spinning milk. It has a balanced composition, but slowly splits, so athletes usually take it overnight.

The most popular among athletes are accelerated weight gain whey isolate, hydrolyzate or concentrate, as well as casein.

To improve potency, our readers successfully use M-16. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.

Egg protein is essential for muscle growth. Do they affect male potency and can they lead to impotence? This question has now been studied in sufficient detail.

The relationship between the state of potency and protein product

Studies have shown that the effect of protein on the potency in men depends on the quality of the product and its origin. Natural concentrates or isolates made on the basis of whey, egg white, milk, or even meat do not adversely affect male power. If the preparation contains various additives or steroids, then there may be unpleasant consequences, because steroids have many side effects. A decrease in libido is also possible if steroids are used in parallel with any protein products.

Uncontrolled long-term use of steroids can lead to serious violations in the sexual sphere of men. Among them: testicular atrophy, temporary infertility and the development of secondary female sexual characteristics.

High-quality pure protein and potency - these concepts are not mutually exclusive.

However, an erection may weaken for some time due to a decrease in testosterone levels. This can lead to regular intake of large quantities of cheap soy protein, containing in its composition the female hormones estrogen.

However, one should not shy away from the vegetable product either, the main thing is to take it in a normal dosage and from time to time take a break or replace it with animal protein. In addition, do not forget about the individual characteristics of each organism, many men are in no way badly affected by protein from soy.

Why do erection problems occur in athletes?

However, it is still not uncommon for athletes who use exceptionally high-quality and expensive protein powder of animal origin to complain about recurring problems with erection. What is the matter? And the fact that studying the question of how protein affects the level of libido, often forget about related factors, such as lack of sleep, fatigue, stress.

There may be several reasons that can lead to a weakening of potency in men who are seriously involved in sports and take protein powders. First of all, they include the most common factors:

  • Overtraining. After working for and heavy evening workout man drinks protein and goes home. During sexual contact with his partner, he has erection problems, and he sins on the drug. In fact, the libido is briefly reduced precisely from great physical exertion. In order to prevent such situations, you should create a schedule of employment and rest for yourself, and follow it in order to ensure full restoration of the whole organism, including sexual function.
  • Self-hypnosis, or the effect of libido. Having heard from friends and acquaintances about how harmful the use of proteins is, a person begins to subconsciously believe in it, and this psychological anxiety can really affect the potency.
  • Wrong diet. Trying to achieve a beautiful relief body, many men (especially young ones) believe that it is enough for them to drink protein shake to provide their bodies with all the necessary elements. This is a dangerous misconception that can lead to a worsening of the libido. In order for the potency to be on a level, it is necessary to eat a balanced, full-fledged diet, providing the body with essential vitamins and trace elements (zinc, selenium, magnesium, potassium, etc.). You should not refuse natural protein foods (meat, cottage cheese).
  • Poor quality fake drug. If the workouts are held in the normal mode, nutrition is full, and the potency is reduced, then the option of acquiring a fake is possible. If the mixture is purchased in an untested place, then the whey protein can be replaced by a soy product, followed by inhibition of the function of testosterone synthesis.

Also, before eating protein shakes, you need to pay attention to a few cautions:

  • Individual intolerance to protein. This can cause violations in the gastrointestinal tract, heartburn. Also, possible manifestations in the form of a rash.
  • Chronic kidney disease.
  • Reduced production of gastric juice.

To avoid all of the above problems, the athlete is best to consult a doctor who will advise you on whether to include proteins in your diet. The doctor can also help to correctly calculate the individual dosage taking into account the weight, height and age of the athlete. You also need to carefully read the information on the package, which indicates the composition of the mixture.

If this does not help, then it is better to abandon proteins and focus on protein foods.

  1. Urology
  2. Potency
  3. What and how does it affect

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The information published on the site is intended solely for informational purposes and in no case calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions on the treatment and adoption of drugs is necessary to consult a qualified doctor. Information posted on the site, obtained from public sources. For its accuracy, the editors of the portal are not responsible.

The relationship between protein intake and potency

  • What is protein and how is it different from steroids
  • When protein can be harmful
  • If the potency is still gone - what is the reason

Sports nutrition is an integral part of the lives of many young people who want to look more courageous. Protein supplements or proteins are considered an integral part of sportpit, and are used to actively build muscle. The most common question regarding these supplements is whether protein affects potency? He is asked not only by men who are actively involved in changing their bodies, but also by their partners.

Currently, the problem of "good and harm to proteins for erectile function" has served to shape two opinions. One of them claims that protein and potency are indissolubly linked, since it is protein that is necessary for the normal functioning of the male body, and doesn’t mean anything bad about sports nutrition. The second opinion, in contrast to the first, argues that the concentrated protein affects the potency extremely negatively, changing not only the hormonal level of men, but also the mechanism of spermatogenesis.

What is protein and how is it different from steroids

Protein is a dietary supplement, one of the elements of a special sports nutrition that contains proteins in high concentration. It is produced mainly from animal products: milk, cottage cheese, eggs. Rarely for the production of protein manufacturers use soy.

Unlike conventional protein products, protein contains about 80% of pure protein, and there are almost no carbohydrates and fats in it. The main advantage of such additives is the ability to quickly and fully deliver into the body the main "building material" for muscle fibers without the risk of the formation of adipose tissue.

There are several types of protein supplements:

  1. whey protein, referred to as isolate or concentrate, which is used for rapid weight gain;
  2. egg protein, which is used for the active growth of muscle tissue;
  3. Soy protein, which also helps build muscle - is used mainly by vegetarians.

What can be harmful such additives? Experts believe that with proper use with the absence of kidney pathologies, the effect of protein on potency is minimal. Meanwhile, persistent rumors that the protein can act on the potency negatively, are taking place. This is due to the fact that many novice athletes do not distinguish between protein food supplements and steroids, which also contribute to muscle growth.

For reference: androgenic steroids contain the male hormone testosterone, which, due to a change in metabolic processes, causes an increased growth of muscle mass. Prolonged use of steroids can lead to a failure in the natural synthesis of testosterone, which inevitably affects the potency after the end of taking this group of drugs.

Sports protein nutrition, in contrast to steroid muscle growth agents, has no effect on male potency.

By: Benjamin Peng, MD


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