Active Ingredient: Sildenafil
Viagra Plus is the newest form of medical treatment known throughout the world, enhanced by the use of active medicinal plants, causing unlimited sensation of potency, unlimited desire and endless endurance. Ginseng is one of the main ingredients of Viagra Plus, it stimulates and enhances endocrine activity in the body, increases metabolism and facilitates heart activity, thereby helping the arterial blood flow, stimulates brain centers and facilitates the functioning of the central nervous system. The erection, sexual desire, the success of sexual intercourse is guaranteed. Of the 400 mg of Viagra plus 50 mg is Sildenafil, the remaining 350 mg is ginseng and vitamins.
A popular drug used to treat erectile dysfunction is Viagra Plus. Detailed instructions for use presented in this article must be studied by each patient in order for the treatment of delicate disorders to be as effective and safe as possible. The information will be supplemented by reviews of patients and doctors, as well as data on prices and analogues of Viagra in Russia of domestic and foreign production.
The active substance that is part of the drug Viagra Plus, is a chemical compound Sildenafil. Manufacturer Viagra Pfizer (Pfizer, USA) releases the drug with different dosages of the active substance - 25, 50 and 100 mg.
Additional ingredients included in the composition - cellulose derivatives, starches, stearates Mg, phosphate Ca, blue dye, Ti dioxides, glycerols.
Release form
The drug is made in the form of tablets for internal use, which are film coated. The release form differs in the different content of the main component of Viagra Sildenafil in one dose.

The tablet is painted in blue color, in the form reminds a diamond. On the one hand, the Phizer engraving is placed, on the other, the dosage of Sildenafil "VGR 25", "VGR 50" or "VGR 100". Packages containing 1, 2, 4 or 8 tablets and manufacturer's instructions are available.
Pharmacologic effect
Viagra Plus refers to the pharmacological group of drugs that are used for the treatment of impaired erection in adult men. Sildenafil refers to vasodilators - substances that dilate blood vessels by relaxing their muscle walls.
A special mechanism of action of the drug allows for a comprehensive pharmacological effect on the male sexual functions. The main effects and properties of Viagra for men are as follows:
- Increased production of NO in the cavities of the cavernous bodies. Nitric oxide contributes to changes in the production of cGMP, affecting vascular tone in the penis.
- Relaxation of the muscle layer of blood vessels. Through this action, the spasm of the vascular walls is eliminated.
- Expansion of vessels.
- Strengthening the filling of the blood of the penis.
- Preservation of increased blood filling of the penis during intercourse.
- Lowering blood pressure. This is a concomitant effect of the drug, which must be taken into account in patients with hypo - and hypertension. When selecting the dose should be the ability of Sildenafil to enhance the effects of antihypertensive drugs.
Sildenafil is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream. The time of action of the drug - 4-5 hours.
Important! These effects develop after taking the required dose of the drug only in the presence of sexual stimulation. Without excitement an erection does not occur.
Indications for use
Sildenafil is used only to achieve an erection, so you should take the remedy only before sexual intercourse. According to the official instructions for use from the manufacturer indications for the use of Viagra are the following:
- inability to achieve an erection during sexual intercourse;
- inability to maintain an erection until the end of sexual contact.
In some sources there are descriptions of the appointment of the drug to patients with prostate diseases in the absence of a tumor. Studies in this direction of therapy was not conducted. Therefore, in official medicine, Viagra is prescribed only to improve potency and erection.
Since Viagra Plus is characterized by an effect on the vascular system, emit a number of disorders, which are contraindications to the use. These diseases and conditions include the following:
- allergy to the drug;
- heart disease in which increased physical and sexual activity should be limited - heart failure, angina, heart attack, etc.;
- strokes that were in the past;
- a history of heart attacks;
- ischemic neuropathies of the optic nerves that caused the loss of vision;
- severe damage to the kidneys, liver;
- congenital retinal pathologies;
- hypotension, characterized by a decrease in pressure below 90/60 mm Hg. v .;
- uncontrolled hypertension;
- taking drugs that promote the release of nitric oxide and are donators of nitrogen (organic nitrates);
- anomalies of the anatomical structure of the penis;
- women. Acceptance of Viagra is also prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding (HB). Not established how Viagra works Plus on women, the fetus and the infant;
- children. The use of the drug is prohibited in boys at children under 18 years of age.
Before you start taking the funds it is important to exclude the presence of these violations and conditions.
Instructions for use
Before starting treatment, it is important to familiarize yourself with how to take Viagra. Viagra tablet is taken only inside. The drug is not chewed, swallowed whole, washed down with at least 50 ml of pure water. You cannot drink grapefruit juice!
Viagra Plus is better absorbed on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to build the regimen in such a way that the use of a dose of the drug is before a meal or 40 minutes after a meal. Reception time - as needed. The product can be taken in the morning, before dinner, after dinner (not to be combined with food) and in the evening. The duration of treatment is selected only individually, taking into account the patient's condition.
The method of application consists in the single use of Viagra for 1 hour before the planned sexual intercourse. Efficacy begins to appear 30 minutes after taking the prescribed dose. The duration of the action of Viagra (4 hours) is sufficient time to get the full effect of Viagra.
A wide range of dosages allows you to choose a rational amount of Sildenafil for each patient. It is forbidden to use Viagra more than once during the day. Discontinuation of the drug does not require compliance with special recommendations. It is safe to stop drinking Viagra as soon as the need arises.
The course of treatment for adult men:
The average recommended dosage of Viagra for a healthy man (without contraindications) is 50 mg per day. According to the needs of the doctor can increase the dose to 0.1 g, or, conversely, reduce to 0.025 g.
Important! The maximum daily amount of Sildenafil is 100 mg. Compliance with the established dosing regimen is the best prevention of the development of side effects.
With extremely severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver, the initial dosage should be no more than 25 mg 1 time per day. With normal tolerability, the amount of Sildenafil can be increased to 50 - 100 mg.
With the urgent need to combine with drugs that have a negative effect on liver enzymes and antihypertensives, a dose of 25 mg of Viagra should be considered. For elderly patients, dose adjustment is generally not required. If there are serious illnesses and general poor health, then the initial dose should not exceed 25 mg.
Missing a dose has no effect because Viagra Plus is used only when it is necessary to achieve an erection during sexual intercourse.
Important! It is forbidden to change (especially increase) the dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor.
Excess doses of the drug (up to 800 mg per day) leads to an increase in the likelihood and increased severity of side effects. The most frequent consequences of an overdose are the following:
- headaches;
- redness of the face - hot flashes;
- dizziness;
- diarrhea;
- visual impairment;
- nasal congestion and swelling.
The treatment is only symptomatic, since there are no agents that accelerate the elimination of Sildenafil from the body.
Side effects
Most side effects of Viagra tablets Plus on men is common. The most frequent are the following:
- headaches;
- dizziness;
- redness and swelling of the face;
- digestive disorders;
- swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
- blurred vision;
- hearing loss;
- skin rashes;
- violations of color perception.
For severe manifestations of these symptoms should consult a doctor. As a rule, such reactions to Viagra do not require discontinuation of the drug. Depending on the severity of violations, the doctor may reduce the dosage.
Rare side effects that require discontinuation of the drug and immediate medical attention:
- persistent erection;
- painful erection;
- chest pains;
- stroke;
- hearing loss;
- heart attack;
- atrial fibrillation;
- rhythm disturbances;
- sudden coronary death;
- the formation of foci of necrosis on the skin;
- bleeding from the penis;
- muscle pain.
Important! Muscle pain can occur with more frequent than indicated by the doctor, taking Viagra. Some sources indicate that this reaction is not always caused by taking the drug.
Interaction with other means
The combination of Sildenafil with nitrate-based drugs (Nitroglycerin, Nitrosorbide, etc.) and antihypertensive drugs is contraindicated, as their effectiveness is enhanced.
Increased toxicity and blood levels of Sildenafil have been observed with compatibility with drugs acting on enzymes in the liver:
- Cimetidine;
- Erythromycin;
- Nicoradil;
- Ketoconazole for oral administration;
- antiviral agents of any spectrum of activity and activity, including those used to treat HIV infection.
It is important to know that taking Viagra is not recommended to be combined with eating grapefruit juice, which affects liver enzymes. Their combination increases plasma concentration of sildenafil and increases the likelihood of overdose symptoms or side effects.
During pregnancy and lactation
It is forbidden to use Viagra in women carrying a child, as well as during lactation and breastfeeding. The drug is used only in males!
With alcohol
Special warnings about the dangers of the drug interaction with alcohol. It is not recommended to combine Viagra and increased doses of strong alcohol, especially for patients with hepatic, cardiac and vascular pathologies.
Shelf life
The drug is usable for 5 years from the date of manufacture. In the case of the expiration date of the drug is prohibited to use.
Terms of sale and storage
Viagra can be bought only in pharmacies by prescription in Latin. The prescription form must necessarily indicate the INN of the active substance Sildenafilum.
Stored in original packages at room temperature (25 °С) in a place that unavailable for children.
Special instructions
Before the appointment of the drug, the doctor examines the patient to identify comorbidities, which are contraindications to the appointment. The patient must learn all about Viagra and what is Viagra to ensure correct application.
It is important to inform the doctor if the man has:
- heart diseases;
- strokes or heart attacks in the past;
- pathology of the kidneys, liver;
- hereditary anomalies of vision;
- congenital malformations of the penis.
Before taking Viagra, be sure to indicate to the doctor a list of medicines that the patient is taking. This is an important point, because drugs such as nitrates and liver enzyme inhibitors are incompatible with Sildenafil.
There is no such thing as "female Viagra", because the drug is contraindicated for use in women. The tool is not prescribed to male patients until the age of 18 years.
You should refrain from driving until the reaction to Sildenafil is ascertained, since it can cause dizziness and impaired visual function, including distortion of color perception.
Reviews of medical specialists:
Alexey Polonsky, urologist: the problem of erectile dysfunction is currently very common among young men. In my practice, I widely use the drug Viagra, because the quality and effectiveness are always high. The side effects that require discontinuation of the remedies or that cause severe discomfort while observing the prescribed dose are rarely developed.

Karina Krotova, sexologist: I, as a practicing doctor, really like the effect of Viagra on healthy men who are faced with the unpleasant problem of erectile dysfunction. Unlimited duration of treatment (no more than once a day), fast and sufficiently long effect allow you to correct violations. If the patient strictly adheres to all recommendations, then no serious side effects develop.
Elmira Fateeva, urologist of the highest category: I try not to prescribe Viagra to patients with heart diseases due to the increased likelihood of complications. For such patients, an excellent replacement is Impaza - a homeopathic remedy that helps to treat erectile disorders without risk to health. Moreover, this medicine is much cheaper. As a prevention of such pathologies, I recommend paying attention to a healthy lifestyle, sports and nutrition.
Ivan Korotky, sexologist: often patients taking Viagra, are interested in the issue of compatibility with alcoholic beverages. I always ask men not to risk their health and not to take higher doses, especially strong alcohol, before taking Viagra. I want to note that, according to the research of the drug, there are no adverse reactions of the body when combined with small doses of weak alcohol.
Alla Petrovskaya, urologist, sexologist: often patients are interested in whether Viagra can be used by women to improve excitability. The answer is simple: "No!". This drug is not used in women. For these purposes, there are other tools and techniques.
Ilya Patomchenko, sexologist-urologist: often the question arises: "What is better Viagra or Potential?". This is one group of drugs. They differ in the quality of raw materials, the manufacturer. Viagra has passed all studies, for it is clearly established contraindications, side effects. I am always for the choice of original tools. Numerous positive reviews of Viagra confirm my opinion.
Patients reviews:
Nikolai P.: The doctor prescribed Viagra. For me, this is an expensive tool. I asked to replace the Russian counterparts. The doctor recommended to buy the drug Sildenafil Russian manufacturer. The difference between the means only in price and manufacturer. The composition is the same.Took already 3 times. Very pleased with the effect.
Oleg K.: I have a pain in the lower abdomen and there is no erection. The urologist prescribed an antispasmodic and Viagra as needed. I read about Viagra, as well as reviews of men. Decided to try. The effect is amazing. There were no side effects after the third administration.
Cyril P.: in response to my complaints of pain under the abdomen, a weak erection, the doctor recommended Viagra before sexual intercourse and some other drugs. I asked the doctor: "Why do I need Viagra?" He replied that you need to drink it as needed for an excellent erection and to improve the blood supply to the penis. I want to say that Viagra is an excellent drug. Quick and long acting. I had no adverse reactions even after the 4th tablet.
Peter M.: in the past I had a myocardial infarction. With age, it is almost impossible to achieve a normal erection. I went to the doctor. I appointed a tincture of Ginseng or Impazu. I thought that Viagra is the best product for men. But the doctor forbade me to buy such a medicine, because in my case it is contraindicated. Accept Impazu. I am convinced that this drug is not worse. Very pleased with the result.
An erection in men over 60: what is needed to maintain an erection at 65?
An erection in 60 years can still be stable, as in young years, despite the opposite claims. But this is provided that the man has no chronic diseases, he leads a healthy lifestyle, he eats properly and in a balanced way, does not consume alcoholic beverages.
Objectively, this situation is rare. Therefore, in mature years, the quality of erection deteriorates, there is a decrease in potency, premature ejaculation and other symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
Doctors say that the deterioration of male power after 61 years is normal, as age-related changes are felt. However, if there is a decrease in sexual desire, interest in intimacy disappears, you should be alert.
So, why do men have sexual dysfunctions after 60 years of age, what causes lead to them? What ways will help to return high-quality and regular sex without failure?
Advanced age and potency
The hormone testosterone appears to be a substance that has a direct effect on sexual function. With its deficiency, erectile dysfunction develops with all the relevant symptoms, pathologies of the urinary system can develop.
With age-related changes in the body, a decrease in hormone production is observed, therefore, at 62 years old, the level can be extremely low, which is a factor in the pathological failure. The concentration of the substance affects the lifestyle of men.
If a man has abused alcohol all his life, smoked, professional activity is connected with being in one place (sedentary work), then it is very likely to say that after 60, problems with potency are inevitable.
Identify the causes leading to a poorly standing penis during arousal:
- Overweight, obesity. They lead to impaired blood circulation in the body, hormonal imbalance.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system - urethritis, cystitis, prostate adenoma, impaired renal function.
- Long-term treatment with potent drugs such as tranquilizers, pills of a sedative nature, anabolic steroids, drugs for arterial hypertension.
- Psychological causes: chronic stress, fatigue, expectation of failure, self-doubt.
- Violations of the central nervous system, reducing the conduction of nerve impulses in the body.
- Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, endocrine disorders, chronically high sugar.
Work on hazardous work, radiation exposure, chemotherapy, and poor environmental conditions can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Balanced diet at 60 years of age
The human body receives all the necessary substances for its life from food products that people consume. The lack of useful components is reflected in the overall functionality of the body, including the erectile function.
If you eat rationally and balanced, eating a sufficient amount of protein, zinc, magnesium, selenium and other mineral substances, then avoid impotence in old age is quite real.
For the sexual health of men are useful products enriched with magnesium and protein substances. These include any seafood, fatty varieties of sea fish, lean red meat. A lot of magnesium in nut products. A special place is occupied by dairy products, which include protein and phosphorus.
For an erection, you must adhere to the following nutritional criteria:
- The diet is formulated so that 40% are proteins, 20% are fats, 40% are complex carbohydrates.
- If there is excess weight, then you will need to limit your calorie intake, abandon bakery and confectionery products, and eliminate fast-absorbing carbohydrates.
- Fractional power. It is noted that eating food from 5 to 7 times a day contributes to the normalization of digestion, does not overload the intestines, while the man will not feel hungry.
- Abandon fried foods, preferring cooking, steaming.
Trans fats appear as special chemicals that can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. If at a young age, natural testosterone production is restored, then at 63 years old - this will not happen.
It is recommended to give up energy drinks, alcohol, strong coffee and tea, replacing them with broth hips, fruit juice, fruit juice, low-concentration herbal tea.
Potentiation of drugs
Strengthening potency in 64-65 years is feasible through drugs aimed at achieving an erect condition. If there are no medical contraindications, then ideally - the use of inhibitors like Viagra, Levitra, etc.
Viagra is a good remedy for impotence. However, it is used with extreme caution at 66 years of age, since the drug may adversely affect the state of the cardiovascular system, lead to lability of blood pressure.
Therefore, the appointment of synthetic medicines should deal with a doctor. Considering all the indications and contraindications, concomitant diseases of the man, the doctor will find the best means to help achieve the riser and not to provoke adverse reactions.
Consider effective drugs that can be taken after 65 years:
- Tribestan includes herbal ingredients, is prescribed when the penis is bad, sexual desire has decreased.
- Verona capsules are a dietary supplement aimed at restoring male power. Effectively struggling with a sluggish riser and premature ejaculation.
- Priligi is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor that helps to prolong intimate intimacy. Strengthens the sensation of coition, eliminates impotence of any origin.
- Impaza solves problems with erection in men in 67 years. Homeopathic medicine restores the physiological process of erection, while normalizing the concentration of testosterone.
In general, these drugs work for a long-term result, helping to stabilize an erection for a long time.
Dosage and frequency of use are determined individually by a doctor or official instructions.
Tinctures for potency
At 68 years of age, problems with a decrease in sexual function are easily solved through recipes of traditional medicine. Ginseng, in particular the root of the plant, helps to return a stable strut.
It contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the body, prevents the development of pathologies of the genitourinary system, is characterized by an exciting effect. Preparation of tincture does not take much time.
Take a small root (about 20 grams), chop, fill with vodka. Place in a dark container and close the lid, leave for 21 days, shake occasionally. Filter, take 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day.
Homemade tincture based on Leuzei:
- Two tablespoons of the crushed component pour alcohol in a volume of 400 ml.
- Insist 2 weeks, occasionally shake.
- Take 20 drops, 2 times a day.
- Continuous course of 14 days, then 1 week - break, repeat.
Reviews of men suggest that recipes help to return a quality erection, but it takes a process of treatment for 2 to 3 months.
Ginseng and levzey are stimulants of the nervous system, therefore, exceeding the dosage can provoke violations by the CCC.
Preventive actions
When the potency becomes weaker with age - this is normal, doctors say. However, the observance of simple rules helps men in their 70s to be fully alert for sexual exploits.
Doctors say that men with regular intimacy are less affected by erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and other sexual disorders.
As a prophylaxis recommend the following:
- Active lifestyle, optimal exercise.
- Timely treatment of all diseases.
- Preventive examinations at the urologist.
Physiotherapy manipulations, in particular prostate massage, help in restoring erections. It improves blood flow, improves potency and improves erection.
According to doctors at 60-70 years old, the male body "requires" some support that Peruvian Maca can provide - a food supplement that has positive feedback from doctors and patients.
Why problems with erection and how to solve them
Erection problems are the most common pathology of the sexual sphere in men. With age, a decrease in potency is noted by everyone, but sometimes erectile dysfunction occurs in fairly young men.
What leads to the appearance of such problems as delaying the age-related decrease in sexual activity, and what to do to normalize the lost potency - we will tell below.
When excited, the brain sends nerve impulses that increase blood flow to the penis
Causes of problems with potency
Physiological causes
Insufficient erectile function can be caused by a variety of reasons. To date, the most fully studied physiological causes, because it is worth starting with them.
For the normal performance of the sexual function of the male body is the coordinated work of the whole complex of internal organs and systems.
- the cardiovascular system;
- nervous system;
- endocrine glands, etc.
Malfunctions of any of these systems, as well as damage to the sexual organ itself, often lead to impaired blood circulation. As a result, an erection either does not occur at all, or quickly weakens.
Causes of problems with potency
The most common causes of problems with erectile function:
- Hormonal problems, primarily - a decrease in testosterone levels.
- Neurological problems (may be caused by diseases or injuries). Violation of the flow of nerve impulses to the penis leads to a lack of erection.
- Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. An erection ensures the flow of blood into the cavities of the cavernous bodies. With problems with pressure (usually - on the background of hypertension or arterial hypertension) potency noticeably decreases.
- Violation of blood flow to the genitals. It can occur as a result of injury or illness, and as a result of prolonged exposure to medium intensity (for example, wearing tight linen).
External factors
External influences experts allocate a separate group of reasons. Although this allocation is largely conditional: such factors act indirectly through changes in the physiological processes in the man's body.
Smoking is one of the causes of potency problems
External factors that can cause male problems with erectile function include:
- smoking;
- alcohol abuse;
- improper nutrition (deficiency of trace elements and primarily zinc);
- poor environmental conditions;
- excessive nervous tension;
- overwork;
- the impact of harmful production factors (toxins, noise, vibration).
Psychological reasons
As a rule, in men, an erection after 40–50 years gradually subsides, although this weakening is usually not catastrophic. But sometimes there can be problems with erectile function at the age of 20, that is, when no physiological reasons interfere with the normal functioning of the body.
Most often, a decline in the quality of an erection against the background of the physiological norm develops for psychological reasons.
Erection problems - psychological factors
These include:
- Low self-esteem and self-doubt. They are noted at the beginning of sexual activity, especially if there were episodes associated with unpleasant psychological experiences.
- Fears Usually they are fueled by memories of past erectile failures. Against the background of such memories, a stable phobia can form that interferes with a full sexual life.
- Difficulties with a partner. In this case, a man may experience problems with potency in relation to a particular woman.
Disruption of sexual function can also occur on the background of strong experiences. For men, such events most often favor marriage (even talking about a future marriage) or the appearance of a child in the family.
Erection disorder at different ages
According to statistics, difficulties with potency are gradually "getting younger". If earlier problems with erection in 40 years were recorded in approximately 30–35% of patients, today every second man at this age suffers from periodic disorders in the genital area.
Erection problems in different age groups
In general, the picture for different ages looks like this:
- Cases of erectile dysfunction in patients aged 20–25 years are few (up to 10–15%) and are associated mainly with psychological traumatic factors.
- Systematic problems with erectile function in 30 years occur in approximately 20% of men, and this figure is growing. The main reasons are smoking, overwork, stress at work and in the family.
- In 40+ years, as noted, half of the patients report a decrease in potency. Age-related changes are added to external factors: hypertension is also "getting younger".
- After 50, the problems described with some frequency or another haunt most of the men (according to various estimates, from 60 to 72%). The main reasons are disorders in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, hormonal disorders.
Difficulties in achieving an erection
Causes of difficulty
In most cases, the decrease in potency is manifested either in the impossibility of achieving an erection, or in its short duration.
If you have problems with erection
In the absence of physiological prerequisites, the causes of such difficulties may be as follows:
- severe tiredness;
- alcohol abuse;
- psychological "fixation" on past unsuccessful episodes;
- low attractiveness of the partner.
Recommendations for achieving an erection
Analysis of these causes will allow you to outline the optimal strategy, which will make it possible, if not to avoid problems with potency, then at least partially compensate for them:
- it is worth having sex only when sexual desire is really present;
- before sexual intercourse you should not overeat, let alone abuse alcohol;
- depression or severe fatigue - unequivocal contraindications for sexual intercourse;
- To stimulate potency, it is necessary to create an appropriate attitude that will help you relax and minimize distractions.
Treatment of impotence (erectile dysfunction) in men
The behavior of the partner is also very important: with full-fledged emotional intimacy, not only one-time "misfires", but also systematic erection problems are not evaluated as a disaster.
Erection problem solving
Drug therapy
What to do if the causes of problems with erectile function lie in the physiological plane? First of all, it is necessary to stop the symptoms of diseases that can affect the sexual sphere.
In addition, there are drugs that stimulate blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis.
Levitra drug to improve blood flow
The list of these drugs is quite well known:
- Preparations containing yohimbe extract (tropical plant) have a similar effect. In addition to solving the problem described, yohimbin acts as an aphrodisiac, increasing sexual desire.
- Uncontrolled use of potency enhancers can cause serious health problems. So, before using the pills to improve erection, you should consult with a specialist.
Other treatments
Alternative methods to restore sexual function include:
- Vacuum therapy. With the help of a vacuum pump, blood flow to the penis is stimulated, which contributes to achieving an erection.
- Shock wave therapy. Cavernous bodies and blood vessels are affected by sound waves that stimulate blood flow.
- Intraurethral administration of drugs. In the urethra before intercourse is introduced drug stimulating an erection.
- Intracavernous administration of drugs. The drug is administered by injection into the cavernous body, which also stimulates the expansion of blood vessels.
The last two procedures are not suitable for regular use: they are characterized by various side effects.
It should not be forgotten that solving physiological problems will not help if psychological barriers remain in the mind. Therefore, any therapy should be combined with the advice of professional psychologists specializing specifically in the sexual sphere.