Active Ingredient: Sildenafil Dapoxetine
Extra Super Viagra is a drug with an enhanced formula that guarantees an improved effect of therapy. The balanced composition of the drug, which includes two basic components: Tadalafil (responsible for the blood supply of the penis when excited) and Dapoxetine (controls the onset of ejaculation). Substances complement each other's actions and contribute to the emergence of persistent erection without the additional risks of its rapid completion. The strengthened formula allowing to use means even in the most started cases. When taken once a pill, 40 mg of tadalafil and 60 mg of dapoxetine act on the body. It is possible to adjust the dose. When obtaining a higher effect, the tablet can be divided into 2 or even 4 parts..
The history of Extra Super Viagra
In the early 1990s, Pfizer researchers developed a medication for chest pain in angina. In clinical trials, the biologically active substance sildenafil did not have the expected effect on the heart. But the subjects were delighted - because of the strong side effect on potency. When some of them refused to give the remaining pills (and one even burst into the laboratory, where sildenafil was being made to stock up on the preparation for future use), the company's managers realized that they had run into a gold mine. So was born Extra Super Viagra.
Information for patients:
What is Extra Super Viagra?
The drug Extra Super Viagra is the first pharmaceutical agent that shows significant and reliable efficacy in the majority of patients with erectile dysfunction. Extra Super Viagra contributes to the body's natural response to sexual stimulation.

What is the mechanism of action of Extra Super Viagra?
It is to increase the amount of blood entering the penis, which helps a man to cause a natural erection. Extra Super Viagra acts only on the natural mechanisms of erection and this is its indisputable novelty and secret of great popularity.
What is the effectiveness of Extra Super Viagra?
Extra Super Viagra has a fairly high efficiency. The effectiveness of Extra Super Viagra is very much dependent on the type of erectile dysfunction, from concomitant diseases. If Extra Super Viagra is quite effective with vascular erectile dysfunction , then with the presence of pathological venous drainage, the results of Extra Super Viagra use are much worse.
Does Extra Super Viagra Increase Sexual Attraction?
The action of Extra Super Viagra is based only on a local increase in blood flow to the cavernous body of the penis, and it does not cause an increase in sexual desire. Extra Super Viagra does not increase libido and is not an "exciting" tool.
Who is Extra Super Viagra shown to?
Extra Super Viagra is indicated for use in men suffering from erectile dysfunction of various origins, including with damage to the blood vessels or nerves of the penis. The only exception may be gross fibrosis of the corpus cavernosum of the penis.
How to determine the sexual rate?
A healthy person is one who develops and maintains an erection, allowing him to engage in sexual intercourse and successfully complete it. If a person who considers himself healthy, takes Extra Super Viagra and finds an improvement in erectile function, then in fact he may well suffer some erectile dysfunction.
What experts are recommended to consult about taking the drug?
It is recommended to consult a sex therapist or urologist. It is advisable that you also be examined by a cardiologist or general practitioner in order to exclude heart disease. If you suffer from any chronic illness, you should contact the appropriate specialist.
How to take Extra Super Viagra?
All you need to do is take one tablet of Vyagry about an hour before sexual activity. After about 30-60 minutes, the effect of the drug begins and lasts for four hours. It is best to take Extra Super Viagra before meals, because in this case it will act faster. The effect of Extra Super Viagra is that you need to take it only when you want to have sexual intercourse. Extra Super Viagra should not be taken more than once a day.
How to choose a dose of Extra Super Viagra?
Extra Super Viagra is available in three standard dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg. Usually, Extra Super Viagra is prescribed in an average dosage of 50 mg, and then, depending on the effect (or not), the dosage is adjusted. Another approach is to start treatment with a minimum dosage, increasing it until a good therapeutic effect occurs.
How safe is Extra Super Viagra?
Clinical trials have proven the safety of Extra Super Viagra. The frequency of treatment discontinuation due to side effects was comparable for patients receiving the drug (2.5%) or placebo (2.3%). However, it is known the manifestation of some drug interactions, especially with nitrates used in the treatment of heart disease. Therefore Extra Super Viagra is contraindicated in patients receiving treatment with nitrates (nitroglycerin izoket, kardiket, perlinganit, deponit, Efoksa, Olikard, nitrosorbid, sustak, monocinque, nitrong, monosan et al.). Any man who takes nitrates of any kind at any time (nitrates are usually taken for angina, chest pains caused by heart disease) should not take Extra Super Viagra. The danger is a possible significant drop in blood pressure. At the end of November 1998, 69 deaths were officially registered in the world after taking Extra Super Viagra. The cause of death in all cases was diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attacks or strokes) that developed in those who died during intercourse. Sexual intercourse is a serious physical exertion!
Who should take the drug with caution?
First of all, these are people with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, angina, impaired cerebral circulation (pain in the heart during physical exertion or at rest, impaired memory and mental performance). In this case, you should consult with your doctor about the feasibility of taking Extra Super Viagra. Increased caution is needed for patients who have previously had priapism (a pathological condition that is characterized by the appearance of an erection that is not associated with erotic stimulation, and which can last for many hours, causing severe pain in the penis). Patients who have a predisposition to the occurrence of priapism need medical supervision. Caution when taking Extra Super Viagra is necessary for people who are going after the reception to manage various kinds of mechanisms or a car, because sometimes after taking the drug in humans, there may be a rapidly passing change in color perception with a predominance of blue colors.
What should be expected with a long reception of Extra Super Viagra?
No evidence was found for the fact that long-term use of Extra Super Viagra can lead to any serious consequences. The current knowledge of the drug allows you to prescribe Extra Super Viagra, both for occasional and for long-term treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Does Extra Super Viagra affect fertility?
Extra Super Viagra does not affect fertility. However, in cases where erectile dysfunction interferes with conception in couples of childbearing age, Extra Super Viagra can be beneficial.
Does Extra Super Viagra affect fertility?
To date, absolutely proven the fact of the lack of influence of Extra Super Viagra on fertility. It was found that Extra Super Viagra does not affect the quality of seminal fluid, nor the number and activity of sperm in it.
How does Extra Super Viagra affect healthy people?
The presence in the blood of a certain concentration of Sildenafil may to some extent accelerate the recovery of erection after orgasm. This is the so-called period of refractoriness, which occurs in a man after each orgasm and is characterized by an inability to erection for a certain amount of time. Extra Super Viagra can help you recover faster after orgasm for the next sexual intercourse.
How to take Extra Super Viagra to older people?
The only thing you should pay special attention to is the condition of the heart. It is about recurring pain in the heart that accompanies physical activity - whether it be climbing stairs, brisk walking. If you really worry about pain in the heart during exercise, then before taking Extra Super Viagra, it is strongly recommended to consult a cardiologist.
How is Extra Super Viagra effective in women?
Extra Super Viagra is designed for men and is not recommended for use by women.
What to do if Extra Super Viagra did not help?
There are many options for treating erectile dysfunction. Extra Super Viagra is undoubtedly a great drug, but it is not the only possible treatment option. Consult a specialist.
How can you distinguish Extra Super Viagra from fakes?
The basic rule that can protect you from buying a fake - buy the drug only in pharmacies that are officially registered and have official licenses to trade in pharmaceutical products.
Before you buy Extra Super Viagra...
Any man wants to be irresistible in private with his girlfriend! However, the modern rhythm of life often leads to a decrease in male power. The key to success in the intimate sphere is very simple. This tool appeared almost thirty years ago and won hundreds of millions of adherents around the world. His name is the drug Extra Super Viagra.
Around the Extra Super Viagra goes a lot of rumors since the appearance of the drug on the market. Perhaps, there is not a single medicine that has such a large number of legends and myths around it. Therefore, before buying Extra Super Viagra, it is very important to find out about it all the details, cleared of conjectures and fantasies.
What is Extra Super Viagra?
Extra Super Viagra (eng. Extra Super Viagra) is a drug to increase potency, the main active ingredient of which is Sildenafil. The principle of action of this substance is that it increases blood flow to the genitals, thereby increasing erection and exacerbating the sensation of contact. A huge number of men prefer Extra Super Viagra because of its high efficiency, relatively long effect (up to 24 hours) and minimal side effects.
History of creation
The original formula, which Extra Super Viagra tablets contain, was developed and patented by the American company Pfizer in 1992. Pfizer is considered one of the best pharmaceutical companies in the world, because their products are of the highest quality, and their reputation is immaculate. Surprisingly, before inventing such world-famous drugs as Extra Super Viagra, Prevenar, Lyrics and Celebrex, Pfizer made and sold a remedy for parasites.
Like everything amazing and extraordinary, Extra Super Viagra was invented by chance. Pfizer scientists have been working on a new drug for angina based on Sildenafil Citrate. According to their hypothesis, this substance was supposed to improve blood flow to the heart, expanding blood vessels, but an experiment on the research group showed its inefficiency. What was the surprise of the employees of the company when some of the men studied refused to return the unused tablets during the experiment? After detailed inquiries, it turned out that in some miraculous way the future Extra Super Viagra does not increase the blood flow to the heart, but to the opposite side. After analyzing the situation, Pfizer management decided to radically change the direction of the project, announcing a new development in the field of treatment of erectile dysfunction. As a result, after several additional studies, a unique medicine called Extra Super Viagra entered the international market.
The emergence of Extra Super Viagra has caused international excitement, since nothing like this has ever been done before. In every media, at least somehow, it was mentioned about an amazing American drug that can cure male impotence. Needless to say, at the time of the appearance of Extra Super Viagra in Russia, only the wealthiest people could buy it. This inaccessibility and features of the period of the early 90s played a cruel joke with the drug, as the people immediately compensated for the lack of information with myths, and some of them are still alive.
Exposing the main myths about Extra Super Viagra
Myth number 1: After taking one or more tablets of Extra Super Viagra, you will have uncontrollable arousal.
If you want to order Extra Super Viagra, for example, to get an erection in bed with a girl who does not excite you, then you waste your time. Extra Super Viagra only provides physiological conditions for erection, drawing blood to the genitals and increasing its circulation.
Myth number 2: After taking Extra Super Viagra, you will immediately have an erection, which will disappear after the expiration of the drug.
No matter how much you drink Extra Super Viagra, it will never cause an erection. The cause of an erection can only be what excites you, and Extra Super Viagra is just a means to achieve it for men with symptoms of impotence. Therefore, the stories about the embarrassment associated with an untimely erection after taking Extra Super Viagra are no more than mere fiction.
Myth number 3: Extra Super Viagra should not be taken for those who show signs of erectile dysfunction rarely.
Of course, if you can avoid taking the medicine (even the most natural), it is better to do it. But if erectile dysfunction manifests itself so often that it makes your life uncomfortable, buy Extra Super Viagra is the right decision at any stage.
Myth number 4: Extra Super Viagra does not help all men with erectile dysfunction.
This is an ambiguous statement. It is correct only when it comes to different types of erectile dysfunction. That is, Extra Super Viagra does not affect your erection, if the reasons for her absence lie in purely psychological problems. If your disease is associated with poor saturation of the genitals with blood (as in most cases), then the drug will definitely help you. The main thing is to select and order Extra Super Viagra the optimal dosage for you.
Myth number 5: After taking Extra Super Viagra, you must have sexual intercourse
Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that Extra Super Viagra only improves blood circulation in the genitals and pelvic organs. In fact, the drug only returns the rate of blood circulation that you had in young healthy years. Therefore, the need for sexual relief after taking Extra Super Viagra is not.
In addition to the drug itself, myths and disagreements also spread to generics of Extra Super Viagra, which by 2016 accumulated a great many. Some, in general, do not know what generics are, others confuse them with their counterparts. All this further...
What are generics? How do they differ from analogs?
Generic is a drug developed under a generic name, or under a patented name, but different from the name of the original drug. Usually much less money is spent on the production and advertising of generics than on original drugs, so they are cheaper. That is, in our case, generics are created for those men who want to buy Extra Super Viagra cheap, not overpaying for the "brand". For example, you can buy a Extra Super Viagra pill 100 mg in Moscow for November 2016 from 1300 rubles, while 100 mg of one of its most expensive generics, Kamagra Gold will cost you almost 9 times cheaper.
As for the analogs, here everything is a little more complicated. If we take the word "analog" in a general sense, then the generic can also be called an analog. If we use this word in a purely pharmaceutical sense, then analogs are drugs with the same therapeutic effect, but with a different substance. This means that if a person wants to buy an analogue of Extra Super Viagra, it would be wrong to advise him on drugs based on Sildenafil (i.e. generic Extra Super Viagra). Analogues in this case are Cialis, Levitra and Stendra , as well as their generics.
Famous generic Extra Super Viagra
As mentioned above, Extra Super Viagra has a huge number of generics, which can be difficult to figure out without the help of specialists. They can be divided into classical and combined. Generic Extra Super Viagra is a classic, consisting only of Sildenafil, and the combined generics in which Sildenafil is mixed with any other substance.
Among the classic generics of Extra Super Viagra can be identified Suhagra 100 mg, Kamagra Gold 100 mg and Eriacta 100 mg. These preparations are distinguished by the highest possible quality and are no different from their basic prototype from Pfizer, since they use the same technology and the same raw materials. In fact, the manufacturers of these generics give you the opportunity to buy Extra Super Viagra cheaply, without any overpayments.

The bestsellers in the generic generic category of Extra Super Viagra are the legendary Sildalis and drugs with prolongators: Super Kamagra, Malegra FXT and Malegra DXT. Sildalis manufacturers have added a killer mix of Sildenafil and Tadalafil to the drug (this is the same as buying generic Extra Super Viagra and Cialis and drinking them together), thus providing a 100% guarantee of reinforced concrete erection of maximum duration. As for drugs with prolongators, there Sildenafil is combined with Dapoxetine or Fluoxitin. Such a mixture provides not only a good erection, but also long intercourse without premature ejaculation.
Smoking is the most common cause of premature death and disability. In the world, every 6-8 seconds, one person dies from tobacco-related causes, which is 5 million people a year!
Russia belongs to countries with a high level of tobacco use: we have about 60% of men and 30% of women (adults), children start smoking at 10-11 years old, and by the time they finish school, about 50% of boys and 40% of them smoke girls. And as a result, in our country, more than 300 thousand Russians die every year from diseases associated with tobacco consumption!
The risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a smoking person is 6 times higher, and lung cancer - 10 times; on average, a smoking person shortens his life by 10-15 years ...
Tobacco smoke contains toxic, toxic-carcinogenic and carcinogenic (causing the development of malignant neoplasms) substances. Nicotine, one of the main components of tobacco, causes a strong nicotine addiction that does not allow a person to quit smoking when such a desire arises.
Smoking causes cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, urinary and genital systems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eye diseases, musculoskeletal system, cancer. In addition, smoking is an important risk factor for the progression of peripheral vascular diseases (LPS). Symptoms of CPS occur about a decade earlier in smokers than in non-smokers. In smokers with LPS, amputations are performed much more frequently than in non-smokers.
The effect of smoking on the male body is undeniable. In addition to the effects of smoking, which were discussed above, it was proved in the course of foreign studies that in men smoking, erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs 2 times more often than in non-smokers of the same age group. The risk of developing ED is directly related to the experience of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked. The relationship between smoking and ED is due to the occurrence of hormonal and vascular disorders in the body of a smoker. After each cigarette you smoke, blood pressure rises, pulse increases, and peripheral vessels narrow, reducing the rate of peripheral blood flow, which makes it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection.
In addition, smoking a man planning to have children increases by 2 times the risk of their birth with developmental disabilities.
What can you do
If you smoke, the most important thing you can do to maintain your health and longevity is to quit smoking!
If you do not smoke, then do not start, and avoid places and situations in which you are exposed to surrounding tobacco smoke. Passive smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, respiratory and oncological diseases.
Quitting smoking is not easy, but possible. This requires sufficient motivation to quit smoking and medical assistance. To date, medical care for patients with quitting smoking is carried out as part of individual or group counseling, and, as a rule, includes medication. Drug treatment is necessary to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
If you are seriously thinking about giving up a cigarette:
- decide for yourself "I quit smoking" and take it as a gift to yourself!
- determine for yourself the benefits of quitting - what you get by getting rid of cigarettes, and writing them down on paper, review from time to time and adjust the list;
- Be prepared for bouts of craving for a cigarette - they pass faster if you digress and switch attention (housework, phone call to non-smoking friends, walk, playing sports, etc.), look for your alternative to cigarettes;
- determine how many cigarettes a day you smoke and situations that encourage smoking - try to avoid such situations;
- plan for yourself a reward for quitting smoking, for example, buying something that was postponed until a later time;
- determine for yourself the date of complete cessation of smoking and follow this schedule;
- part with cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters;
- empty the apartment, the car, personal belongings from the smell of tobacco smoke, take the clothes to dry cleaning;
- alternate physical and mental activity, try to prevent overwork, stressful situations;
- make physical activity regular (1 hour / day - brisk walking, swimming, biking, dancing), - so the body will more quickly cope with the consequences of chronic tobacco poisoning;
- eat foods rich in vitamins (C, B1, B12, E, PP), fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals), protein (low-fat dairy products, fish);
- drink more fluids if there are no contraindications, give preference to alkaline drinks (unsweetened mineral water, juices, vegetable decoctions);
- avoid tonic drinks, strong tea and coffee, alcohol (it is better - herbal teas with mint, melissa);
- avoid salty, spicy and spicy foods;
- if you need support from your relatives - tell them about your decision, about the need for their help;
- develop an approving attitude towards non-smoking, and do not despair if an attempt to part with a cigarette has failed, - a new attempt will be more successful!
Movement for male health
Many of the health problems that arise in modern man are associated with the development of civilization. One of the serious problems of the development of society is the reduction of a person’s physical activity. Due to the lack of movement, overweight and diseases associated with it occur: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.
With an increase in body weight in men, the level of testosterone (the main male hormone) drops sharply. French scientists have found that erection problems in obese men are observed 2.5 times more often than in people with normal weight.
Abdominal obesity (excess fat is deposited in the abdomen) in men is diagnosed with a waist circumference of more than 94 centimeters. This type of obesity is dangerous as it is associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, adipose tissue is a diffuse endocrine organ that produces female sex hormones.
What types of physical activity exist?
Low physical activity
Corresponds to the state of rest, for example, when a person is sleeping or lying down reading or watching TV shows.
Moderate physical activity
This is a level of physical activity that somewhat increases the heart rate and leaves you with a feeling of warmth and easy shortness of breath: fast walking, swimming not at a distance, cycling on a flat surface, slow dancing.
If the speed of the exercises allows participants to talk comfortably, then such a load is moderate.
Intense physical activity
This is a level of physical activity that significantly increases the heart rate and causes sweating and severe shortness of breath (feeling short of breath): running, cutting firewood, doing aerobics, swimming, cycling, climbing the mountain.
Competitive type of physical activity is usually considered as the level of intense load.
What can you do
- Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. A little physical activity is better than none.
- For significant health benefits, exercise at least 150 minutes a week for moderate physical activity (30 minutes 5 times a week).
- Additional physical activity will bring you more significant health benefits.
Who needs to consult with a doctor before starting intensive physical exercises?
- smoking
- persons with CVDs currently
- having two or more of the following risk factors for developing coronary artery disease:
- AH
- elevated cholesterol
- family history of CVD
- diabetes
- obesity
- men over 40
- women over 50
- answered positively to any of the risk assessment questions.
Risk Assessment Questionnaire
- Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have heart disease and recommended that you engage in physical activity only under medical supervision?
- Have you had any pain in the chest area in the last month?
- Do you have chest pain that occurs during exercise?
- Do you have a tendency to fainting or dizziness?
- Do you have bone or joint diseases that can get worse during physical activity?
- Have your doctor ever recommended medication for high blood pressure or heart disease?
- Do you have any reasons based on your own experience or medical advice, not to engage in physical activity without medical supervision?
Note: If you have an acute illness, such as a common cold, or not feeling very well at the moment, put off the questionnaire.
Basic principles of recommendations for physical activity
- Frequency: at least 3-5 times a week
- Duration: 20-60 minutes:
- warm up (5-10 minutes)
- load (15-40 minutes)
- relaxation (5-10 minutes)
- Intensity
- moderate (from 50 to 70% MCSS)
- intensive (70% MCS and more)
- Types of Exercise
- repetitive rhythmic activity involving large muscle groups