Sooner or later, a little man appears in the family. This event makes its own adjustments not only to the usual routine of affairs, but also affects the intimate life of newly-made parents. The question of the resumption of sexual activity must be approached with extreme caution.
Not the same as before
For medical reasons, if childbirth takes place without complications, you can return to sexual activity after 1.5 – 2 months. During this time, the internal organs of a woman heal and recover .
But do not forget that now the woman’s attention is completely absorbed by the child. The body has low levels of estrogen, the pleasure hormone, which causes vaginal dryness. It will take time for her to feel aroused again and get satisfaction from being intimate with a man.
Feeling attractive
Remember that in family life, not only parenting is important, but also matrimonial. Women want to feel attractive and attractive. It is in the power of a man to support his soul mate and instill in her self-confidence. It is very important that the spouse helps with household chores, takes part in caring for the baby, treats his spouse with attention and tenderness. However, a woman should not forget that a man must have regular sex in order to maintain his health .
Frigidity or selfishness
Very often there are situations when, having given birth to a child, a woman refuses to have sexual relations with her chosen one. Psychologists say that women develop frigidity, and men develop a sense of selfishness.
Young mothers, as before, want intimacy and affection. But to get pleasure in full, now they need to tune in and get distracted from all-consuming everyday problems. Before intimacy, a woman wants to rest, relax and take some time for herself, and men do not create these conditions for them.
Natural form of contraception
The first few weeks and even months, the female body needs to recover and prevents the short-term occurrence of the next pregnancy by reducing sexual activity in women. Doctors call this process a natural form of contraception. However, these days there are a large number of methods by which you can avoid unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, it is not worth delaying the process of returning from sexual relations.
Many spouses, within a few months after the appearance of the baby, begin to lead a full-fledged intimate life. In some families, she becomes even more active. And do not deny yourself the pleasure of relaxing in the arms of a loved one. Remember to be more attentive to the person next to you. Remember that quality and regular sex is the key to healthy family relationships.