It doesn’t matter whether you are an experienced fighter on the inter -gender fronts or a rookie, for sure, you are not sparklingly creative every time and there are periods when your acquaintances with girls are like pollock eggs: I saw a girl, used a direct approach, picked up the phone, left. If you are interested in the question – how to get a number from a girl, then you are a beginner and you have every chance not to make mistakes at the start.
A friend of mine told me that once he accidentally met the same girl twice. And during the acquaintance, neither he nor she understood this. Everything became clear only when he began to write down the phone number and it turned out that her number was already in the contacts.
What to do to make everything happen brighter and more interesting for you?
How to get a number from a girl? First simple recommendation
After you have taken the number, immediately write down the name and your associations in the first 5 minutes, as you moved away from the girl. For example, “a bookstore, a brunette, chose Nabokov.” This is what will allow you to remember during the call the context of the conversation that was during the meeting.
Second Action to Take
When you leave the girl, turn around, carefully look after and remember some detail that you could not see during face-to-face communication. Maybe she has some kind of tattoo on her leg or a beautiful bracelet, or maybe an unusually shaped hairpin, but this should be a detail that you will see only after you leave.
What is it for?
And you do it in order to hit her with the next hook. 15 minutes after meeting you, you call her or write an SMS with the following content:
“Hi, this is Teymur! I thought this. You, for sure, just like me, do not take calls from unknown numbers. Therefore, write down this phone number of mine. By the way – you have a very cool hairpin (smiley face).”
Important! During this call, you do not need to ask her out on a date, you just need to make sure that she writes down your phone number.
This will set you apart from all the other guys. After all, you didn’t just come up, pick up the phone and happily gallop away about your business, but really paid attention to her, thought about her for some time after meeting you and made sure that she wrote down your number. He will understand that you not only know how to take a number from a girl, but also know how to interest yourself. Believe me, after this, a girl with a 50% chance will write you something herself by the evening. For example: “How did the day end?” or something no less original, just trying to get you to talk somehow.
Well, then, when you call her, you will already have notes in your notebook with her “special signs” and some kind of context that you have already created during this correspondence or during the first call.
Good luck!