Is it possible to swim in cold water with prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate gland is a common disease among men over 40 years of age. For treatment, both conservative and folk methods are used. One of the most well-known methods is hydrotherapy.

A contrast shower with prostatitis has a tonic effect, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helps to eliminate blood stasis, and reduces inflammation.

Water procedures are useful in that they activate the immune forces of the body, forcing it to resist various ailments. Hydrotherapy is used in the form of compresses, baths, steam inhalations, washings, douches, the use of water inside is common. The most popular are contrast showers and various baths.

neutral bath It has a mild sedative effect, helps relieve stress, improve sleep. The water temperature should be around 36°C, duration 20 minutes.
Sitting bath Useful in chronic form, improves blood circulation in the peritoneum and groin. Taking a bath should be accompanied by active rubbing of the groin, perineum, skin near the area of inflammation. Therapy should be carried out in a warm room for about a quarter of an hour.
Hydrogen sulfide bath Indicated for use to relieve pain. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic effect; has a positive effect on metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins from the body.
Turpentine bath It is used for a disease aggravated by infertility. The main goal is to restore normal spermatogenesis by improving capillary circulation and activating the thermoregulatory function.

Bathing with prostatitis in turpentine and hydrogen sulfide baths is possible only under the supervision of specialists.

A contrast shower has a general tonic effect on the body, and also stimulates the immune system.

With inflammation of the prostate, daily procedures are shown using an ascending shower aimed at the perineum. This type of therapeutic effect improves blood circulation, thereby helping to reduce the inflammatory process.

during the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the jets do not fall on the scrotum.

Hardening and supercooling

Hardening with this disease is quite acceptable. However, before proceeding with it, you should consult a urologist. Hardening should occur gradually, sudden hypothermia should not be allowed, as it can provoke deterioration, aggravating the inflammatory process. At the slightest feeling of discomfort, the procedure should be stopped in order to avoid the development of a relapse.

Among the representatives of the stronger sex, there is an opinion that the male organs should not be overheated, but the cold cannot harm them. Actually, it is not. Hypothermia of the prostate can, directly or indirectly, lead to an inflammatory process, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences, up to the development of impotence.

Influence of the shower and sauna

Since a contrast shower has a tonic effect on the body, it is better to take it in the morning, twice daily water procedures are acceptable. The main attention should be paid to the perineum and inguinal zone, so the maximum positive effect will have on these areas of the body.

A contrast shower helps to strengthen local immunity, and also helps to improve blood flow in the inflamed area. To ensure a healing effect for the prostate, the principle of separate dousing will allow – first, the legs are exposed to contrast, then the arms, chest, and back.

The frequency of the temperature regime is as follows:

– hot – 120 seconds;

– cold – 15 seconds;

– hot – 60, cold – 15, repeat this mode twice.

the temperature of hot water should not exceed 38°С, cold – not lower than 22°С.

After finishing, it is necessary to rub the body, separately highlighting the inguinal region. The course of such procedures is about a month.

Sauna for prostatitis also has a therapeutic effect, as its relaxing effect increases blood flow to the prostate gland.

Is it possible to bathe in the bath?

Bath procedures have a beneficial effect on the body, relieving spasms, accelerating the outflow of lymph, relaxing muscles. Comfortable thermal stimulation has a dilating effect on blood vessels, which improves blood flow, the affected organ is actively supplied with oxygen, the immune system begins to work, and inflammation decreases.

Men diagnosed with inflammation should choose a Turkish hammam or a Russian bath, as they provide even warming heat without excessive loss of moisture from the body.

The bath also has a positive effect on the prostate:

– gently and evenly warms the affected prostate gland;

– reduces pain;

– relieves burning sensation, itching;

– relieves puffiness;

– strengthens the immune system.

When not to go to the bath

There are a number of contraindications for visiting the steam room:

– exacerbation of inflammation of the prostate gland;

– elevated temperature;

– purulent prostatitis;

– the use of drugs that are forbidden to be combined with exposure to high temperatures;

– malignant oncological tumors;

– predisposition to fainting;

– high pressure;

– diagnosed anemia.

Before proceeding with thermal procedures, you should get qualified advice from a specialist.

Cold and hot shower

The procedure has proven to be an effective tool capable of:

– have an anti-stress effect;

– to tone the body;

– normalize the work of the circulatory system;

– activate metabolism;

– strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

– eliminate insomnia;

– make the immune system work.

Hardening effect of a contrast shower, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. helps to successfully fight the disease.

Also a powerful means of hardening are short-term thermal and cold effects. The effect is achieved by stimulating blood circulation, as well as improving the work of the body’s thermoregulatory function. The procedure can be performed at home: walk in the bath in cool water for about 60 seconds.

Fans of hardening are interested in: is it possible to pour cold water on prostatitis. Only in the absence of an exacerbation stage, since otherwise the inflamed condition can be aggravated. The procedure is also intended to provide a general tonic effect.

Supporters of winter swimming and other extreme types of water procedures are warned by urologists: with prostatitis, swimming in cold water is strictly prohibited! Such an escapade (for example, diving into an ice hole for baptism) threatens with a purulent exacerbation of the disease with a serious risk of developing an abscess. Swimming in the sea is allowed only if there is sufficient warming up, as the minimum allowed temperature for prostatitis is 20°C.

Hardening in acute form

Any hardening in this case are under the strictest ban. Ignoring this rule is fraught with a sharp deterioration in the patient’s health against the background of severe pain.

Douches for chronic type

Therapy is permissible only if there is no acute period, since it can aggravate the problem of the disease. Douches should be carried out with relatively warm water, the temperature of which is about 38 ° C. It is this temperature effect that helps to relax muscle fibers, improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

To stimulate metabolism, experts recommend using a contrast douche. The cold water temperature should be around 20°C. Colder or icy water cannot be used.

Precautionary measures

Hypothermia of the small pelvis with inflammation of the prostate gland is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water used, avoiding excessive extremes.

Rules for taking a contrast shower:

– you can not pour over your head;

– if any discomfort is felt – the procedure must be stopped immediately;

– before proceeding with hardening, you should obtain the permission of the attending physician

When not to temper

An absolute contraindication is reduced immunity, as well as the presence of any inflammatory process in the body. The exception is the chronic form of inflammation. Also, you should not get involved in hardening procedures if the history contains:

– recent cystitis;

– cardiovascular diseases;

– renal failure;

– the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Doctors’ opinion

Hydrotherapy, according to experts, has a clear positive effect on the body, including the prostate gland. Particular attention should be paid to the benefits of swimming. Is it possible to swim in the sea with prostatitis? It is possible, but on condition that the water temperature is not lower than 20 ° C in order to avoid hypothermia and the development of an acute period of the disease.

Prostatitis goes well with sea bathing, as cool water has a calming effect on the inflamed organ. In addition, swimming in sea water is the type of physical activity that puts the least load on the circulatory system.


Observing precautionary measures, it is possible and necessary to use hydrotherapy for prostatitis at home. However, before proceeding with the procedures or going for a swim, you should consult your doctor. It should be tempered with an eye on the state of the prostate gland, since it is a very sensitive organ of the human body.

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